You can stop the sharing anytime! Seriously, as destructive as they can be, hurricanes do have a vital role in the ecology. I try to remember that as I spend days cleaning up the aftermath.
Carl, I see you have a visitor headed your way. Looks like Isaac isn't ready to go quietly in to history but has re-entered the Gulf as a tropical disturbance and headed for Florida.
Yes, and we do not need a whole lot of rain across north Florida! It should not be much more that passing showers and thunderstorms. Looks like Sunday will be our day to get it.
Some storms just don't know when to go away. Looking for the bright side here, they claim a cold front is coming behind "son of Isaac" and we should see low humidity and .......70 degrees Sunday evening !!!!! WooHoo! Maybe some of the cool dry air will come in to you as well Carl.
It looks like Leslie is moving east enough so we won't get a direct hit, but we will get some wind and heavy rain.
Our sister province of Newfoundland to the east will get hit a little hard I think.
Leslie has been downgraded to a tropical storm and continues to move away to the northeast, but the outer edges are giving us some rain and a little wind.
The surf along the coast is pretty wild and yesterday a front of hot tropical and humid air hit us like a flying brick.
It was only 25C (77F), but the humidity was 89%!!!! You could almost chew the air
It should all be past us in 24 hours.
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