A Visit from Issac

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Running a generator is not economical; but neither is replacing the food in the refrigerator and freezer. Also the convenience of having TV, the computer and air conditioning is worth the cost - at least to me.
Talking about the water with this last flood and our main water feed being damaged I was so glad I hooked up a pump to my water tank for water. Granted we were only without mains water for two days but boy it was great to have the backup. Some suburbs were without water for a week. If I cannot have my hot shower before work I am known to be very grumpy BGRIN
The tail end of Isaac is here today and may bring heavy rain to some parts over the next 36 hours.
Leslie is still down near Bermuda and forecasters say it may brush by us next week.
The last report I saw at work yesterday was talking about being down to 50,000 customers without electricity. One of our power plants is still in the dark, there are no transmission lines to get the power from the plant. Fortunately it is not one of our base load units or load following units, it's a peak load unit and not required to run 24/7.
They used to get female names and then the PC crowd started getting loud and they changed to use both sexes.

A couple years ago, the a congress woman from Houston started complaining that the storm names were racist, they didn't reflect the black community but only looked at European or Mexican names. . . Carla, Betsy, Juan, Hugo and such. There were several folks that asked her who the heck she thought Katrina was named after?

I don't know why I didn't post this earlier but here is our Storm Center website. . . http://stormcenter.entergy.com/default.aspx of course it is mostly transmission and distribution related with a little nuclear info and they leave out Fossil Generation Emergency Response Center. The Fossil ERC is activated when the storm(s) are predicted to hit our service area and remains active until all the plants are in the clear. I played a major role in getting the ERC set up originally and having it located in the conference room next to my work station, they use the information we feed them on plant conditions before, during and after the storm and we are in contact with the plant crews that remain on site thru the storm.
Hurricane Leslie is in a no-man's-land right now as far as track is concerned.
We're counting on a eastern moving front pushing Leslie away from us as it moves northeast, but if it doesn't we may get hit. Just how hard remains the question.
It all comes down to timing and when and where the two systems may meet.
I heard that most of these hurricanes start off the coast of Africa, if so surly they should give them African names then we have some real cool ones.

I heard that most of these hurricanes start off the coast of Africa, if so surly they should give them African names then we have some real cool ones.

Yes, that's where they usually originate from, off the coast of Africa.
Patience, Beauty and Boy are African names?? :y13: :y15:
The latest update on Leslie is that it's expected to pass to the east of us, but still give us high seas, wind and rain by the first of the week.
But nothing is being taken for granted yet.
Rocky, I hope Leslie misses you. The water from the the tropical storm that flooded the roads to my property near Lake city has finally gone down on one of the roads going in, though this one is the long way around. The county has repaired the washouts and it the road is serviceable. The road I usually use to get there is still under water. Now I have to get my washed out driveway repaired.

Dave, most of the Atlantic born tropical storms start as an easterly wave coming from the west coast coast of Africa. A few tropical storms originate in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.
I have no property that can be effected by a tide surge or heavy rain. The only storm damage that concerns me is fallen trees close to my house and lakeside cottages. I have five buildings on the cottage properties, and while I have had some trees removed, there are still many that could crush a small building.
The only answer is to clear-cut, but I can't bring myself to do that and lay waste to the landscape.