That they do Dave. However we battle "interesting" weather here year round really. This is an article (and pics) from June storms--not hurricanes or tropical named storms just rain storms.
This storm was the one that flooded my house. Which is around 95 ft. above sea level on a bluff, the flooding was not from raising water but from water draining down the hill behind me that sits at 100-110 ft. above sea level. Note the 10-20" of rain in a 24 hour period in the story. More than some areas get annually. You have to be partially amphibious to live round here. Lol.
--Granted I am not shoveling snow--buying winter tires or dealing with the "lake affect" storms off Lake Erie I did in my youth---
I'll take heat/humidity and water over freezing/ice any day.
Just a little background info. FYI.
This storm was the one that flooded my house. Which is around 95 ft. above sea level on a bluff, the flooding was not from raising water but from water draining down the hill behind me that sits at 100-110 ft. above sea level. Note the 10-20" of rain in a 24 hour period in the story. More than some areas get annually. You have to be partially amphibious to live round here. Lol.
--Granted I am not shoveling snow--buying winter tires or dealing with the "lake affect" storms off Lake Erie I did in my youth---
I'll take heat/humidity and water over freezing/ice any day.