Stator stud nut problem- So I just got my brand new stator studs and new nuts, nice and shiny. I was adjusting things to get the right clearance between stator and rotor and once it looked good I went to torque the nuts to 20 ft lb. I got to 15 ft lb with the nuts and then when going to 20 the upper left stud nut would not torque, but kept spinning. Stud was fine in the case. So it looks like this brand new nut failed, and just kept spinning. Problem is I can’t get it off the stud now. I tried gripping it with pliers and pulling while I tried to remove it but it stayed. I tried to insert a small blade between the nut and stator to put some pressure and rotated but it wouldn’t some off. I ending up taking the stator off by patiently unscrewing the studs one by one until I could get the stator off - with the stud still attached. So I’m trying to figure out how to get the nut off. I’ve put a vise grip around the stator stud and held the nut, pulling on the vise grips while rotating. Any ideas about how to get this nut off. Obviously I will have to get a new nut. Perhaps I should try to cut the nut off with a Dremel cut off blade. Thanks for any advice. Has anyone ever had this problem with one of these type of nuts that are locking nuts?