Good luck with it all. One thing to remember, whatever problems you may encounter someone reading this forum will almost certainly suffered from and found the answer to the same problem. I think you will get a buzz out of doing the work yourself. If you are a half decent mechanic then it's great knowing you have done the repairs properly. A professional has to make a profit, you do it for fun so can afford to take your time. It can make quite a difference plus if at any time in the future it breaks down at the side of the road you will probably know how to fix it.Alright. So went ahead and just ordered a Boyer, podtronics , new coils, new spark plug wires. In the meantime I got all the original with squared away. Im getting spark at the plugs. Spray some starting fuel in it popped. Little flame out the intake and grumbled for half a second. I'll end up taking the the head off. I just want to see where is at where it stands. I will end up pulling everything off the frame and going through as much as I can to " learn" the bike.
The dimples on the edge of the plug on my engine looked like they had never been disturbed since the bike left the factory - and the trap was plugged so solid I'm 99.9% sure it had never been serviced in all those yearsI learned the hard way about the sludge trap. If you do not know for absolutely sure it has been cleaned, split the cases and clean it. GP will back me up on this.
I believe you should start a new resto thread and detail your build! Sounds like you have a great story to tell in far more detail, and looks like you have pix, too!ive restored many triumphs and have done one of these 71 tooc models - I did mine about ten years ago
Please note that I was replying to LowboyJim!Sludge trap is where I'll start then. I'll keep this post alive with progress
I believe you should start a new resto thread and detail your build! Sounds like you have a great story to tell in far more detail, and looks like you have pix, too!
In my opinion, member's project thread sections are the best part of any forum.
Please note that I was replying to LowboyJim!
This is YOUR thread rcrowley!
I figured out how to pull big posts like yours from somebody else's thread and pop them into a new thread. All done!paul I tried to start a new thread today but I see its attached to the 71 t100c post did I start a thread or what lowboy jim
thank you jimI figured out how to pull big posts like yours from somebody else's thread and pop them into a new thread. All done!