Width Of Stripes 1972 T100r

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Active Member
Hi, I am trying to get an accurate stripe width for the stripes on the mudguards of a T100R 1972.
The Stripes are black with gold pin stripes (according to pictures I have seen here) and I woant to paint them as accurately as possible.


Brian L
I measured the accent stripe on a 1970 T100S that had an original factory paint job and the width was 1/8 inch.
That's what I used when I had my 1970 T100S painted and it looks great.
I'm sure there wasn't much change by 1972.
Unless you're looking for a 100 point concourse bike, I would go with that or choose whatever looks right to you.
Just don't go too wide as it will look out of place. The same goes for too narrow. 1/8" seems to be right and looks the best to me.
This is how they look on my bike.


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If you're restoring the bike to original, the stripe should be white with black pinstripes (correct me on this, anyone) with the fender being "Cherry Red", like the tank. At least that's how I remember my Daytona.
However, the "village idiot's" memory is fast becoming just a memory: Jim
With John Nelson's book "Triumph Tiger 100/Daytona" as my guide, for 1972, the T100R colours (home market and export), were as follows:

Frame - black
Forks - black
Front mudguard - cherry, with cold white central stripe and lined in gold
Rear mudguard - cherry
Fuel tank - cherry and cold white lined in gold (cherry top colour; cold white bottom colour)
Oil tank - black
Side panel - black

I have a picture somewhere of such a colour scheme (albeit a restoration and is not 100% correct) and will look for it and post it later.
This will be for reference purposes only.
This is a 1972 T100R that I saw at a bike show in Toronto a few years ago.
This is only to show you roughly what the colour and paint scheme is.
The front mudguard is wrong and should be painted with stripes.
FYI only.

1972 T100R.jpg
I thought the export model (US) had chrome/steel mudguards and the domestics (UK) model had the painted mudguards. I am doing one to this paint scheme but the other one to a black red scheme with gold pin stripes that I prefer.
I'm only going by what's in Nelson's book and there are only the two models listed, T100R and T100C.
The T100C model had the stainless steel mudguards.

My 1970 T100S that I showed above should be painted Jacaranda purple, but I chose to have it painted blue and silver.
These are our bikes and we can pant them anyway we like that pleases us.
Be sure to post a picture when the bike is finished. We love pictures.
O.K. everyone: First, I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here, but my mind kept going back to my '72 Daytona and I couldn't get the black pinstripes out of my mind. I went looking online and found some photos of them and from what I can see, they have black stripes.........odd, I know. Now, I've been "called to task" on saying this in the past, but there were changes made during production runs; mine had the earlier tank paint scheme, as in the above photo, for example, and sometimes the factory specs also differed from what was published. Again, I'm not claiming to be any sort of expert, here; just remembering (hopefully) what I had.
Respectfully, Jim
No problem Jim.
I'm no expert either, just quoting from a book.
From the many items I've read it wasn't unusual for the factory to do "odd" things during a production run so anything could be possible.
Actually, Rocky, the reason that this seems so vivid to me is that, back when I had mine, I always thought that gold stripes would have looked better. At least that's how I remember it................of course that was 43 years ago;
.......and, the "village idiot's" memory is becoming just a "memory", I fear: Jim

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