Video Help

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Right I am clueless on how to post videos or prep them for uploading.

I bought a GroPro and recorded most of our journey but did not read the manual
just plugged it in and recorded.

Im on a iMac the videos recorded in MP4, every day I transfered the vids to the laptop
to empty up space on the mem cards. when I got home I combined all the vid clips into one video
and it is now a massive file 10GB .mov that i cannot transfer to mem stick or DVD etc.

I then found a right click option on the vid encode for transfer or something and that made it smaller
and changed it to .m4v but it is still a huge file 2.25 hours and finally managed to stream it to my TV
last night to watch. I tried to upload to Youtube and it is still to big (will take daysssssss)

I still have all the individual clips in mp4 format so to cut a long story short how do I make them
upload friendly to youtube so I can share. ( short clips)
They will be basic I dont have the time on my hands to edit and make pretty with music etc etc

Can someone advise me on how to do this.
As far as editing on a mac goes I cant help,(Hemibee ?) .
If you'r happy with the clips,I would upload them ( include a sequential no. in the title ) to U Tube in the normal way and select public if your happy for anyone to view or unlisted if you only want people who follow a link from here to view.
Then to embed the vid into your post here,select the 'insert video ' option (2nd icon from the right directly above the message reply or create box) and paste the link into the space provided. HTH
The smaller MP4 clips can be uploaded as is to YouTube and, as was mentioned, title them with a sequential number ( video 1,2,3, etc).

YouTube doesn't allow gigantic files with really long lengths for the standard user.

Once uploaded and "live'" on YouTube, you can paste the URL for each video directly into a post here (you don't need to use the video insertion button).

Just strip the URL down to the basic URL removing anything after the "&" and be sure it's not "HTTPS" but "http" only at the beginning. Only then will it put the video right in your TT post as opposed to a link to it.

-- Posted with TapaTalk
I use iMovie to set up my videos. There should be an option in the menu to "Share" the video and if your Mac is like mine there is a link to YouTube listed. My Mac is under some paint drip cloths right now so I can fire it up to make sure I remember that correctly. But as The Seeker says, you should already have them in YouTube friendly files and it's just a matter of uploading them.
You can also download GoPro edit software, it's for free because you bought one, I am completely an idiot.......sorry Village Idiot......with these things but after a few attempts I think my first video was OK.....Clyde Mountain....and had no problem like most here with music to be attached to your clips, I own 90GIG of my own music and all on my computer with iTunes.
Good Luck.

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