The first few rides I had on my 23 tiger 850 were windy days and very disappointing . I was seriously considering a quick divorce on a bike that everyone one of the fifty u tube reviews described as the best thing since sliced bread .
While riding at hiway speeds in wind there was an obnoxious vibration/buzz whenever leaning during a curve or if a side wind blew the bike off the center of the tire . I checked the tank side panels and a couple of other spots to no avail but one day I caught the windshield in my jacket some how and when it sprung free there it was . The buzz was a result of the little wafer springs that allows you to move the screen up and down when compressed .Those springs have no dampening qualities . The tires on the bike were also new releases from one of my favoured suppliers , no bad reviews on those either .
I replaced the offending little devils with a couple of pieces I found in my junk drawer , probably from when I deleted the clipons from that red bike . They were made of pretty hard rubber , looked and worked perfectly except the screen did not go up and down with out the help of an Allen key . This was not an issue , when I installed the tall Triumph accessory w/s on the 800 it was adjusted as high as possible . When I sold it 10 years later it had never been adjusted again .
This little change improved things , a lot . Then I was reading on some forum about the tires . Apparently , when new they had a front end vibe when ridden off the tire center . I was about to install the slightly used Dunlops from the rack but held on and the original tires improved with each long ride . Having said that , they are not a dirt tire in the least . A 95-5 at best , a good rain tire maybe.
To own a Triumph it’s best to be a good tinkerer and possess a healthy dose of stick to itness .