Took My First Catnap Today

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saw a chunk of land for sale. Went in the two track up the way rough tall hill. Got to the top. Got off looked around. Got back on, let out the clutch and a boulder jumped out of the grass and pushed me over. I've lifted the FJR a number of times. I couldn't lift the Tiger. I need to practice techique on this thing. Lots of weight up high. Plus, I'm a tiny wimp. My wife and I were able to get her right side up again. After she freed me from the boot trap.... Just gat a little mud. Nothing else.
Seen them. The Tiger is completely different than the FJR and the Connie. Both of which I could pick up. Maybe I should look into the back pain I've had for a couple years.... :/
As for the back pain...get an INVERSION TABLE !!! use it money ever spent. I was diagnosed with "shifted pelvis" and 2 herniated discs ---GET SURGERY NOW-- was the diagnosis.....I said NO went to Chiropractor and got the table....that was 6 years ago.....doing great. when I feel it tighten up I get on my table and all is well.
I also sleep on a 1 inch thick piece of wood on top of the mattress. And I am 100 % pain free. Just FYI. :)
Thanks for the back advise. I sleep in a mush temprapedic and have thought maybe that was part of it. Inversion table .... That the second time I have been told that.
I have major back issues since I was 10 years old when I snapped my bottom veterbray in half in a sledging accident it is still broke to this day , also my 5 first discs are gone and its bone to bone .
I was told I needed scolding to my lower spin but it would of ment never working again , so I said no and that was 20 years ago and I still work on the chainsaw and run the saw mill today ! You just have to manage your self and be careful , but you can do anything you want just know your limits .
Not like me ! The more it hurts the more I do it .....I just don't like getting beat .
How do you use the wood. Do you cover it with something? I have several friends who sleep this way. And, how do I convince my wife to let more wood into our bed? :)
also the front clips on the Triumph Top case came loose. but the rear and the middle latch thing stayed. Rattled a bunch. Not sure how it came out of the front clips... and not the rest.
I'm right on the edge of a vast GrassLand wedged between that and a Fairly wooded Hilly area of the states. I complain about living here but as riding goes. I can go see almost anything. and within a couple days. Tons of stuff.
How do you use the wood. Do you cover it with something? I have several friends who sleep this way. And, how do I convince my wife to let more wood into our bed? :)

The wood is cut to just the width of my shoulders and runs under the fitted sheet from head to toe on my side of the bed. there is a thin layer of foam padding ---wal-mart camping pad (for under a sleeping bag) between the fitted sheet and the wood --works great. :)

As for the misses, well your on your own there.....I hear jewelry is a good leverage tool ;)

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