Got My First Covid Vaccine Yesterday

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Got my Moderna booster yesterday morning. Slight soreness on the arm after a few hours. Got tired and went to bed early. Woke up a little while ago, some body aches and feel like a wet noodle. Took some ibuprofen and trying to sleep again. Seems like it’s doing what it’s supposed to. Stay healthy y’all.

Side note, I don’t think I’ll be in the garage working on the Triumph today. LoL.
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We were lucky as we never felt a thing on both our shots, the only reason I remembered I had my shot was because the plaster and dressing was still on my arm in the morning.
I seem to have a typical mild response to this vaccine. It’s similar to when I get a winter chill, body aches and feels like I have a fever, but don’t and just generally feeling run down. Drank some hot water with black currant syrup last night and that usually makes me feel better. I did medicate with a few shots of rye whiskey before bed. That helps as well. LoL.
It seems you should have medicated with a bit more rye whiskey or maybe take a second dose now that should help, I believe a strong dose of beer also helps BGRIN
The rye is good! Beer I’ve had to regiment strictly, it goes to my gut. Amazingly rye along with sweet vermouth doesn’t have the same effect. Manhattans work. The cherry is a bit much, drop those on a strict day! LoL.
I must admit I have never tried rye whiskey before and cannot remember seeing it either our side but I am sure we must be able to get it. The only Whisky I have ever really been able to drink was Jack Daniels.
Bulleit Rye is my usual. They also make a bourbon whiskey that I occasionally buy when the rye is not available. The pandemic has made availability of some items spotty. LoL.

There’s a few Texas ones too, but I doubt they would easily be found anywhere. is my belief based on research and available data that the jabs will kill any people next time their immune system is challenged. I hope it is not true. I know of a person who was fine, got the jab and was dead 2 days later.
I’ve never heard of the vaccines killing people. I seriously doubt it would happen the way suggested. We’ve been vaccinating people for over two hundred years and the current type vaccination which the main Covid vaccinations are based on has been in use for over twenty years. Do people have severe reactions, occasionally and in very small numbers. The greater threat is virus mutation if it has a population to incubate in and change. People make decisions and it’s important to realize the validity of the information we have. Googling on the internet is not research and not every person claiming expertise is actually knowledgeable on a subject. I too hope people are not making a mistake, but in not getting vaccinated. Y’all stay safe.
This is a very controversial subject and is beginning to border on "controversial" so let's keep is civil and respectful.
Fine by me. My wife was a research scientist and has worked with mRNA off and on over the years. I have a healthy respect for science. Nothing I’ve said is controversial, but I won’t push it. I won’t say anymore.
I’ve never heard of the vaccines killing people. I seriously doubt it would happen the way suggested. We’ve been vaccinating people for over two hundred years and the current type vaccination which the main Covid vaccinations are based on has been in use for over twenty years. Do people have severe reactions, occasionally and in very small numbers. The greater threat is virus mutation if it has a population to incubate in and change. People make decisions and it’s important to realize the validity of the information we have. Googling on the internet is not research and not every person claiming expertise is actually knowledgeable on a subject. I too hope people are not making a mistake, but in not getting vaccinated. Y’all stay safe.
These shot are NOT vaccinations they are immune system modifiers that did not pass trough the 5-10 years it normally takes for approval. That is why the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies are protect from lawsuits.

COVID Vaccines Kill More Than 2 People For Every Person Helped, Statistics Say.​

I know a man 32 years old, healthy, no idea why he took the JAB when he HAD a healthy immune system. 48 hours later he dies from a heart attack.

CDC and its partners are actively monitoring reports of myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination. Active monitoring includes reviewing data and medical records and evaluating the relationship to COVID-19 vaccination.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis is inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. In both cases, the body’s immune system causes inflammation in response to an infection or some other trigger. Learn more about myocarditis and pericarditis.external icon Seek medical care if you or your child have symptoms of these conditions within a week after COVID-19 vaccination.

What You Need to Know​

  • Cases of myocarditis reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)external icon have occurred:
    • After mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), especially in male adolescents and young adults,
    • More often after the second dose
    • Usually within several days after vaccination
The scientist who invented the Mrna technology issued grave warning to NOT inject this into your body. He claims over time (within years) most who took the JAB will die from immune system malfunctions.
I thought that when the vaccines were made public we could see a path out of the woods but as usual things became more complicated than I could predict . This nothing new for me , my life has been plagued by my inadequate foresight . But now this vex / vax thing is obviously matured into a real problem of our own making , one that we continue to try solve in the same way we always have . That is , just get those other people to see things our way , which of course is the correct way . This is what we tried with the straight / gay situation . Just stop being gay , become straight and the entire problem disappears .
Both my children have real jobs but own and manage a few restaurants on the side . I think you can imagine the stress they and consequently I have been under for the last while and the relief felt when business got back to normal recently due to pro vax efforts and finally the mandates put in place . The restaurants are full again but just with the vaccinated .
Which begs the question , where do the poor vexers go for a meal out . There must be some restaurants with anti vax ownership . Why not allow them to advertise their position and invite their like minded to their establishments .
Similarly why not have schools divided into vex or vax class rooms , teachers , buses . I know it would be complicated but when I see parents on one side shouting and shaming fellow parents I can’t help but think difficult problems often require difficult solutions.
This COVID thing is going to be with us for years , perhaps until every one has been vaccinated , infected and achieved immunity or infected and died . Going to be a long haul here , no sense in letting it divide us , that job is taken already ..

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