Thinking of getting a Triumph Tatt

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I don't think any of the H-D haters would be gutsy enough to actually spout off to a H-D rider in person haha. I have a friend of a friend who drives me nuts spouting off about how crappy they are, of course this is a guy who 'rides' his crotchrocket once or twice a year.....for a short distance....if the weather is nice.....but to talk to him you would think he is the most hardcore biker around. I'm the only triumph rider in my group to, which I you said it is always easy to find your bike in the midst of a sea of Hogs. The America I had before my Tiger was pretty farkled up and used to get more attention than the Harleys and it drove the people I rode with nuts.

But tattoos....I think you should go for the design you posted originally. Just give it to an artist and have them add detail to it and it would look fantastic.
Cleaning all that chrome must take days!

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

LOL it does! Last time I gave the Wide Glide a good polish it took nearly a full day of constant work! Sure looked good for those first 30s it stayed clean afterwards though :facepalm:
Really? I could almost throw a stone and break the window at 3 of them in my area!

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

The closest one to me is around 800 kilometer = 497 mile , just a short ride for a person like Carl :y2:

They had the demo truck in town the one time and I was all set to go and ride all they had to offer but something came up and I missed it SAD
I should mention to you Rbeans.....I hold the record for having the dirtiest bike. When I pull up, everyone looks to see if I've washed it. I haven't since 1996!!

They're for riding aren't they? If it's nice enough outside to wash it, I'm riding it instead.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

I recall you saying that you and your Dad rode together. That's a very nice tribute to him!! TUP

+1 That is very nice, Rbeans. A beautiful tribute to your dad. TUP. Both of my daughters got tats in honor of their late brother. One got Army pilots wings across her back and the other around her leg.
I don't dislike Harley's. I am just not into cruisers. Harley does not make a bike for my style of riding. What I do detest are the possers and the Harley mentality. I obviously do like Triumphs. :y2: I do enjoy having bikes that stand out in a sea of HD's and metric twins. I don't care what someone rides; it is the fact that they ride that counts.
I don't hate Harley's per se, but when those posers put on the straight pipes and deliberately go out of their way to make a lot of noise, that's when I do hate them.
H-D doesn't make a bike I would be interested in anyway, so they're not on my radar at all.
The factory H-D exhaust system has a wonderful sound. If only they would leave them alone SAD
ROTFL Otherwise I think you nailed it!

I did my time with the "the motor company" For many years I rode "rice burners" and always wanted a "Harley" to tell the truth when I finally got one it was a HUGE LET DOWN. Under powered overweight slow antiquated P.O.S. If I rode the 20 miles to work I would have to get a wrench and tighten what came lose on the 20 mile ride. I spent thousands over and above the HIGHLY overpriced cost just to buy it to up grade the shocks, engine, intake, carb, tires, bars, et all. and it STILL couldn't keep up with the bone stock Suzuki cruiser I also owned at the time. The "love affair" with Harley ownership ended vary quick. Then when the back brake locked up coming to a stop for NO REASON I took it apart, cleaned and rebuilt the rear brake system. 2 months later on a ride through Pensacola Fl. it locked again high siding me in a curve I have ridden through a hundred times. When I complained to the dealer, and asked them to check the brakes I was told the brakes where fine and it must have been ME who locked it up!!!!!!!!! I rebuilt the bike after the wreck and traded it even up on a new Suzuki (that ran flawlessly for 5 years) only then did I find out about a recall on SPortsters and Dynas for ....get this "unexplained rear brake failure" it seems Harley finally admitted they put death traps on the highways.:y13:
The ONLY "Harley" I would ride would be the last year Buell 1125 CR. It is the one with the ROTAX engine and Erik Buell design. That one might not fall apart under you.
As a side note,
i am not bashful about my dislike. My Mother is a personal friend of the local Harley Dealership owner and his wife. I have had a number of verbal "squabbles" shall we say with him over his chosen brand and mine (as expected he is OVERLY arrogant). Yet every one ends when I tell him he can choose ANY bike in his inventory to take on my Tiger, I just get to pick the race course and if he can keep up, or even FINISH, I will concede. He has yet to pick up the gauntlet. LORD HIGH KING POSER!
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I have been a close friend since high school with the owner of the local H-D shop.

He didn't ride them back then and doesn't really even own a brand new one today...he rides the roadglide with almost no chrome at all.

But in his huge pole building he's got one of the nicest collections of classic Brit bike!

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Here in town we don't really have a huge following with the HD and the few that I do see are ridden by old bikers from the 70's. I know they are what we would call the real bikers. They don't do all the HD stuff and mostly ride and act the same as we all do. We also have a band of BMW riders and for the most part they are also ok. Then we have a mix of the Jap riders and a few Triumph riders. So in all we sort of all seem to be very well balanced and ride because we enjoy it and not to be something we not. So it is hard for me to really grasp this concept you guys come into contact with your side with the HD lot
H-D snobbery is alive and well over here. No doubt about that.
The strutting and posing on bike nights is laughable to us peasants who don't have (or want)
a H-D.
It's really funny to watch the bikes arrive. The BMW crowd all park together; the Goldwing crowd all park together; the H-D crowd all park together - and then there is everybody else mixed in.
But once they have their feet on the ground most are very cordial.
If there is space we also tend to park the vintage bikes together and they generally attract the most attention :y2:
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It's like that at the one bike nite I go to also Rocky. The other ones have staff direct you into a spot in the order you arrive.

But at the one you can choose your own spot, the H-Ds have the bulk of the area, then the metrics (including Euro & Jap) have an area. The metric area is then divided into BMW (who are the snobbiest), Jap sport bikes, Jap cruisers, and then the much smaller other Euros and classics.

Yeah...the classics still get the bulk of the attention.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
We have a group (very informal that I was just introduced to a few weeks ago) that meets every Saturday morning "ride in" at the Cracker Barrel. 7:30 a.m. start....sometimes 5 bikes sometimes 50. Some have breakfast others just wonder around and "tire kick" each others bikes......extremely diverse group new bikes vintage bikes every brand imaginable Guzzi's Ducs Triumphs Aprillia (all Jap brands are usually present) BMW's even an occasional BSA or JAWA..... Even a Huseberg last week!!!!! No set parking no "groups" within the group no posing just friendship/fellowship and conversation. The backgrounds and socioeconomic positions are as diverse as the bikes, young guys, old guys rich guys poor guys et all. And they all visit and ride and get along. Sometimes we will break off into small "ride outs" going to here or there, most times we all just head off to whatever work, chores, family, rides we each wish to take usually around 9 or 9:30. Great bunch egos are left at home and thats the way it should be really. Our local Hooters has a Wed. night thing.....exact opposite 99% Harley or clone 1%'er wanna bees...rude, snobby, unfriendly and "cliquish" tried twice.....haven't been back.
The closest one to me is around 800 kilometer = 497 mile , just a short ride for a person like Carl :y2:

They had the demo truck in town the one time and I was all set to go and ride all they had to offer but something came up and I missed it SAD

You are right, Dave. That is a normal PGR mission for me. :y2:

I looked this up in a book,

Percentages of rsoles riding the big brands ...
Harley Davidson 75%
Triumph 0.3%
All other brands combined 24.7%

I think avion is a closet member of H.O.G. Whenever we go out on a brekkie run we almost always encounter a 70-bike H.O.G. rideout. Sometimes avion rides right in the middle of their pack COOL ROTFL
A few years ago I went down to our waterfront area which is a gathering place for motorcycles. At about the time I was leaving the H-D group were also leaving.
I was on a Japanese bike, and just to be trouble maker, I infiltrated their group and rode with them for a few blocks.
Were they ever pi$$ed off!!!
They gunned their engines, cut me off and one rider deliberately ran at me so close I thought we would crash.
I was wearing a full face helmet (they in their beanies) so they couldn't see me LMAO at them.
After a couple of blocks I turned off laughing all the way :y2:
They probably were self-satisfied that they put the run to a rice burner, but it was really me having the laugh.

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