Thinking of getting a Triumph Tatt

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Very cool design, the right artist could do something very cool with that and make it really pop. Nice black and grey shading on the skull, with bright colors for the flag. I personally wouldn't get a company logo tattooed on myself but as long as it's what you know you want it I think it will look fantastic. Speaking from experience....if you get that on your arm be prepared for everyone who walks by you to touch it and ask if its a real tattoo.....seriously :y22:. I have one covering my left forearm and people are forever asking about would think they had never seen a tattoo before lol. Do lots of research into your artist, check out their portfolios and visit the shop to get an idea of the 'vibe' there.
Just FYI the "Bar and Shield" Harley logo is the most tattooed company logo on the planet. I certainly wouldn't get that!!!!! But I must admit I have considered some version of the Triumph logo.
Good advice Beans. The right artist makes all the difference. all 3 of mine where done by the same guy who had been in business over 30 years. He passed away a few years ago and I just haven't felt comfortable going elsewhere.
Yup, the right artist makes all the difference between a crap tattoo and an awesome one. When I got my forearm one I went in with an idea of what I wanted but as I don't have an artistic cell in my body couldn't really bring it all together......when I went back to check out the design the artist came up with I was blown away at how much better it was than anything I had in mind. This is what he ended up drawing up for me which was a far cry from what I had in mind.....
O.K. for some "inspiration" Seeker, I threw a few google fu punches and found some other Triumph tatts.......I am really liking the Tiger idea ones.
And this one is just freakin awesome......a HUGE commitment but awesome.
As far as the tattoo artist's one he did for my daughter:


Another of his work:


And I don't care for the subject matter here, but I felt he did this girl's cat for her very well:


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I was listening to an interview with the Miller Brewing CEO a few years back when they were discussing advertising campaigns. The CEO was asked if there was a company who's advertising campaign he admired to which he said yes. He admired Harley's advertising, it didn't cost the company one cent, people were paying their own money to tattoo the company logos on their own bodies. He said Miller would love to have that much brand loyalty.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
I was listening to an interview with the Miller Brewing CEO a few years back when they were discussing advertising campaigns. The CEO was asked if there was a company who's advertising campaign he admired to which he said yes. He admired Harley's advertising, it didn't cost the company one cent, people were paying their own money to tattoo the company logos on their own bodies. He said Miller would love to have that much brand loyalty.

Kinda makes you want to vomit the way the sheeple pray at the Harley altar!!

I don't really hate their bikes as much as the way the people act that either own them or are wannabe owners of them. In fact I do own 'em.... and I'm embarrassed to ride or even mention it!!
Yeah, I used to ride Harley's before they were cool and it's the RUBs, SOA posers and WannaBee's that really make me sick. I still own Harley stock and like seeing my small dividend check every quarter but I RIDE Triumph and I've told that to many folks when they comment on Harley's.
The Harley attitude does suck, nothing like listening to a RUB spout off about how badass they are because they have a Harley they NEVER ride......but honestly most of the time the anti-Harley attitude is just as annoying.

Person " I hate Harleys"
Me: " Oh what did you hate about them when you rode one?"
Person: " Oh I've never ridden one"
Me: "Why do you hate them then?"
Person: "Because they suck!"
Me: "Okaaaay...."
I never hear anyone hating on H-Ds in person. Only on other bike internet forums.

I own and ride them on occasion, but if I go to bike nite, it's nice to be able to find your bike among the sea of nearly identical Hogs. :)

I'm the only Triumph rider in the little group I ride with. The last time we rode together, one of them told a waitress that I ride a "crotch rocket" A Trophy definitely isn't!!!! :eek:

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Person " I hate Harleys"
Me: " Oh what did you hate about them when you rode one?"
Person: " Oh I've never ridden one"
Me: "Why do you hate them then?"
Person: "Because they suck!"
Me: "Okaaaay...."

TUP :y2:

Personalty I have never ridden a Harley and would really like to but not having a dealer this side it makes it hard.

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