Boris the TSS has a new friend in the shed.

Meet Rosie

She's virtually brand new

From new sat in the dealers show room from January 1976 and sold to a collector on the 24th September 1977. Languished in the private collection for around 25 years then sold on to another collector who displayed her in the Nabiac Motorcycle Museum for about 10 years. GFC prevailed and she came up for sale, still with only the factory 5 kms on the clock. A local bloke purchased her and admired her for 12 months before deciding to put her on the road. This involved a full commissioning process by a Trident / Rocket 3 specialist. Then ridden for 7 months, putting 476 kms on her, before circumstances dictated a sale. Enter the local classic bike show where Boris was strutting his stuff. Rosie is wheeled in and it was a match made in heaven. I made mention to the owner that I had been searching for a good T160 for nearly 2 years and he said this one is for sale. How much I ask? The answer floored me, I politely advised it was WAY out of my league and crawled back in my box being thankful as a mere mortal I could afford dinner that night.
Fast forward a week and said owner phones me after tracking me down via the club and asks me how much do I want to pay for it. I replied that I would have to do some serious grovelling to the missus, raid the kids bank accounts and sell my soul to the highest bidder before being able to put a figure on it. An invite was extended to view this beauty the next weekend.
I turn up the next weekend and there she is sparkling in the sun with a horde of spares, original manuals, technical bulletins and lots more sitting on a table beside her. I was a gonner!
Well she came inside budget (just) and was ready for her new home snuggled up beside Boris.
Rides very well, however still running her in.....its a new old bike!

Meet Rosie

She's virtually brand new

From new sat in the dealers show room from January 1976 and sold to a collector on the 24th September 1977. Languished in the private collection for around 25 years then sold on to another collector who displayed her in the Nabiac Motorcycle Museum for about 10 years. GFC prevailed and she came up for sale, still with only the factory 5 kms on the clock. A local bloke purchased her and admired her for 12 months before deciding to put her on the road. This involved a full commissioning process by a Trident / Rocket 3 specialist. Then ridden for 7 months, putting 476 kms on her, before circumstances dictated a sale. Enter the local classic bike show where Boris was strutting his stuff. Rosie is wheeled in and it was a match made in heaven. I made mention to the owner that I had been searching for a good T160 for nearly 2 years and he said this one is for sale. How much I ask? The answer floored me, I politely advised it was WAY out of my league and crawled back in my box being thankful as a mere mortal I could afford dinner that night.
Fast forward a week and said owner phones me after tracking me down via the club and asks me how much do I want to pay for it. I replied that I would have to do some serious grovelling to the missus, raid the kids bank accounts and sell my soul to the highest bidder before being able to put a figure on it. An invite was extended to view this beauty the next weekend.
I turn up the next weekend and there she is sparkling in the sun with a horde of spares, original manuals, technical bulletins and lots more sitting on a table beside her. I was a gonner!
Well she came inside budget (just) and was ready for her new home snuggled up beside Boris.
Rides very well, however still running her in.....its a new old bike!