I was curious to see how much difference the sprocket change would make. So, I have started with the front sprocket. I pulled the 16T and installed a JTF52-17RB. I took some before and after pictures of the RPM's at various speeds to compare the difference. There is a slight difference in the RPM's. Where I notice it mostly is in first gear. When doing sharp u turns I need to feather the clutch a little more and when I am taking off from a stop light on a flat road I use first gear now instead of second. It doesn't seem to wind up as quick with the 17T sprocket. Longer legs, if you will, but it is subtle.
16T/25 mph = 2500 rpm/3rd gear
17T/25 mph = 2400 rpm/3rd gear
47T/25 mph = 2250 rpm/3rd gear
Total reduction in rpm = 250 rpm
16T/40 mph = 3400 rpm/4th gear
17T/40 mph = 3200 rpm/4th gear
47T/40 mph = 3000 rpm/4th gear
Total reduction in rpm = 400 rpm
16T/55 mph = 3900 rpm/6th gear
17T/55 mph = 3600 rpm/6th gear
47T/55 mph = 3550 rpm/6th gear
Total reduction in rpm = 350 rpm
16T/70 mph = 4900 rpm/6th gear
17T/70 mph = 4700 rpm/6th gear
47T/70 mph = 4300 rpm/6th gear
Total reduction in rpm = 600 rpm
I am ok with this change. I'm not sure if I want to go a step further with a 47T vs 50T rear sprocket. It would be nice if someone that has done this change could give us some data comparisons to reference. I watched this video on u tube and found it informative.
Front & Rear Sprocket change