So,what time is it dark where you are.

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Tallahassee Fl. is ...well...43 miles east on I-10 from Tallahassee. Around exit 166 is the actual "line" of the change. My Son lives in Tallahassee ......its always a pain dealing with the time change. Have crossed that line 100 times.
Sorry Don, not sure where you got Pensacola Fl. But thats about 1 hour west of the actual line.
Not sure why I felt that was the way has any one seen my camera??????
Well I would love to be able to get home from work and still have a good few hours of sunshine available to me but then I hate getting up when it is still dark to go to work. So maybe they should just leave it as it is this side :y2:
Tallahassee Fl. is ...well...43 miles east on I-10 from Tallahassee. Around exit 166 is the actual "line" of the change. My Son lives in Tallahassee ......its always a pain dealing with the time change. Have crossed that line 100 times.
Sorry Don, not sure where you got Pensacola Fl. But thats about 1 hour west of the actual line.
Not sure why I felt that was the way has any one seen my camera??????

You are absolutely right Adrian. I just picked two towns that I knew were still in the Central Time Zone. The image I posted clearly shows the timezone line to be east of Pensacola and the west end is still farther west from Pecos.

I just picked those towns as an example.

(Nice to know you are as anal as I am.........)
Ok lets say this then

Point A (10am) point B (10am) and they are 100 miles apart. You leave point A at 10am and arrive at point B at 11am so now you were travelling 100mph

So .......

Point A (10am) point B (11am) and they are still 100miles apart. You leave point A at 10am and arrive at point B at 1pm so now you were travelling at 50mph

So ....

Point A (10am) point B (11am) and they are still 100miles apart. You leave point B at 11am and arrive at point A at 11am so now you were travelling at ....... Oh boy forget it ROTFL
I routinely travel to Pensacola and cross that time line, which is the Apalachicola River. It is nice going out there, as I gain an and hour. Coming back, I have to remember to leave an hour early. BGRIN
i just leave point A ...and get to point B ... look at the time and say ......oooooHH ! that was quick! then i.... leave for point B ... get to point A.. look at the time and say.. god that took a long time ! and then put the extra fast A to B time down to sleeping at the wheel !!:y2:
You guys are a freakin riot.
Heres a another problem for you to figure out Dave........ If you are traveling in a car--at the speed of light--- and you turn on the headlights, what will happen?

what will happen is you will dazzle your self comeing the other way....then the other you will dazzle you back and you will have a head on crash with your self !!! SO YOU WILL SEE YOUR OWN A$$
It's pretty dark and gloomy in Jo'burg today - our first real 'highveld' rains have arrived and are very, very welcome. We won't be seeing sunrise or sunset properly for about another week - just shades of dark and darker. So this song came to mind to go with our rain.


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