Triumph Tom
Well-Known Member
standard strings on what? standard on acoustic are 11s (the highest thinest string the "high E" My Stratocaster came factory w/ (and always replaced w/ .009=hiE / .011=B/ .016=G/ .024=D/ .032=A/ thickest top string LOW E = .042 .... these are standard factory strings for a 1988 Fender American standard. I Recommend a rhythm guitrist use 10s. again 11s for any acoustic. (ps Martin 11s make any playable acoustic chime heavenly) Just wondering where you get this. wait I see youre saying on a set of 10s a G string is .016 maybe. but I am not sure, sounds like a hybrid set of ernie ball slinkys......
point though. And I NEVER thought of using a guitar string for anything but on a guitar or jail tats