Rugby Anthems of the World

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Never, never! My lips are sealed. Suffice to say I went to the after party with the teams and learnt the haka with the AB team after a number of Stollies -good sports seeing as they'd just lost the RWC!
Seeker, why don't the players sing the anthem? Also, do the crowds not sing too or has the background noise been edited out?

The players are from all over the world, not just Canada or USA so a Russian players isn't going to sing along....besides they are getting ready to kill each other in a few minutes.

In that video, the US team were the visitors (that's why their anthem was played first) and the Canadian crowd won't sing for it. But most of them do sing O Canada along with it.
It's just that I didn't see the US team singing - on this side of the pond, our teams do sing the anthem particularly the rugby teams and they're very much 'in the zone' and ready to draw blood.
Well, on the US team there are players from Canada, Russia, Latvia, and Czech Republic along with Americans. I dunno.....players normally don't sing along preferring to be keeping focused on their game plan. That isn't to say NO player ever sings along.

In this particular video, they are about to play in a play off game which holds more importance than regular season games. You're more likely to see players sing along during the regular season.
Seeker, why don't the players sing the anthem? Also, do the crowds not sing too or has the background noise been edited out?

You will have a few sing along but generally the crowd and players do not sing along during the anthem. We, those that I grew up with were taught to stand in silent or subdued respect for those they gave their lives in defense of the nation.

If you want to hear the crowd sing then you need to wait until the 7th inning stretch. I'll post a clip when I get to the computer so I can embed the video.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
Ummm, this is about RUGY and only the US can digress because it's not their national sport. You Mr DaveM cannot digress! But the UK soccer songs are really great!

BUT, back to rugby, how about when England is playing, getting close to the end of the match and they're in the lead and start singing "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot......" Fantastic stuff when you're in the crowd!
Yeah but that IS a great song! I just cannot stand Mariah Carey in any way shape or form - nobody can destroy a song quite like she can. Sorry, just my personal taste and nobody has to agree or disagree. That goes for Streisand and Celine Deon too - sorry sorry sorry to any of their fans! Just can't do these 3 at all!
You will have a few sing along but generally the crowd and players do not sing along during the anthem. We, those that I grew up with were taught to stand in silent or subdued respect for those they gave their lives in defense of the nation.

That is true. It was ingrained in us that when the national anthem is played, you stand, remove your hat, place your right hand over your heart, and stand in silence.
Yeah but that IS a great song! I just cannot stand Mariah Carey in any way shape or form - nobody can destroy a song quite like she can. Sorry, just my personal taste and nobody has to agree or disagree. That goes for Streisand and Celine Deon too - sorry sorry sorry to any of their fans! Just can't do these 3 at all!

I too hate it when singers embellish or go way over the top singing a national anthem. I actually think it disrespects the song.
Yeah but that IS a great song! I just cannot stand Mariah Carey in any way shape or form - nobody can destroy a song quite like she can. Sorry, just my personal taste and nobody has to agree or disagree. That goes for Streisand and Celine Deon too - sorry sorry sorry to any of their fans! Just can't do these 3 at all!

Sorry I deleted my post possibly while you were replying as I thought she was making a poor job of the whole affair BGRIN
You said you love it when the whole crowd sings national anthems?......



Then we have our friends in Montreal, Quebec BOOING and disrespecting the Star Spangled Banner:


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