Never, never! My lips are sealed. Suffice to say I went to the after party with the teams and learnt the haka with the AB team after a number of Stollies -good sports seeing as they'd just lost the RWC!
Seeker, why don't the players sing the anthem? Also, do the crowds not sing too or has the background noise been edited out?
Seeker, why don't the players sing the anthem? Also, do the crowds not sing too or has the background noise been edited out?
You will have a few sing along but generally the crowd and players do not sing along during the anthem. We, those that I grew up with were taught to stand in silent or subdued respect for those they gave their lives in defense of the nation.
Yeah but that IS a great song! I just cannot stand Mariah Carey in any way shape or form - nobody can destroy a song quite like she can. Sorry, just my personal taste and nobody has to agree or disagree. That goes for Streisand and Celine Deon too - sorry sorry sorry to any of their fans! Just can't do these 3 at all!
Yeah but that IS a great song! I just cannot stand Mariah Carey in any way shape or form - nobody can destroy a song quite like she can. Sorry, just my personal taste and nobody has to agree or disagree. That goes for Streisand and Celine Deon too - sorry sorry sorry to any of their fans! Just can't do these 3 at all!
I too hate it when singers embellish or go way over the top singing a national anthem. I actually think it disrespects the song.