So, never being one to sit back and procrastinate, I jumped right in to the installation of the SW Motech center-stand that I just received.

No sooner did I start to unwrap the stand from its bubble wrap and this bastard starts laughing and mocking me the whole time, I knew this was going to be FUN!
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It took a little bit of strategy to plan out the attack angle. You can see here that I have a rather luxurious garage with plenty of room. To make even more room in the garage I told the wife to go ahead and throw away that old ratty moving blanket that had been sitting in garage for a few years when we were spring cleaning this year. CRY
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Upon opening the packaging I took a look at the springs....yay!! these will be such a joy to install without the special tool!
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I took the "feetrest" mount screws out after disconnecting the rear brake pedal per the instructions, I did not have to completely remove the lever as they say, I simply swung it out of the way to gain access to the two screws for removal.
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Here is the comfortable substitute for the moving blanket, bubble wrap made a nice pillow.
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On the left side the old bolts get replaced with these longer ones. This shot was taken BEFORE I re-read the instructions and realized I was NOT supposed to install this yet.

<Insert more Crow laughter here>
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There are threaded backing plates on both sides that sandwich everything together. Here is what the right side looks like and the direction that the notch must face when re-installed. I was too busy flipping the crow off to get a shot of the left side plate.
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So, now with both mounts installed, it's time to hang the stand right? WRONG!! Only the right side mount should be installed first then the stand and the LEFT side mount get installed as one unit!
I wonder if my old Crossman is still shooting straight?
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View of both tabs installed from the right side of the bike...
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OKay no big deal, just remove the left side plate and FOLLOW the instructions. Check.
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Wallah! everything is in place and it's time for the final step.....installing the SPRINGS! This has been a piece of cake so far man! Piece of cake!
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Now I used to have one of those body-shop spring hook type tools somewhere...can't find it, okay plan B. Hmmm, what the hell is this sitting in my tool box? I have no idea what the hell it is or where it came from, but it's been in there for a long long time. Looks good to me!
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I started with the smaller inner spring first, piece of cake! Now time for the the bigger outer spring....
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Now, I don't get to the gym nearly as much as I should these days, but I am not the weakest man on the planet either. I literally had to brace my left foot against the side stand for leverage whilst pulling rearward from a seated-row type position on the garage floor, the final quarter inch of travel needed to get the spring hooked to it's tab was achieved by letting out a loud grunt and fart at the same time.
BINGO!! That sonofab@#ch is ON!! But wait a minute, now the handy-dandy mystery tool is stuck on there!
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I wonder if the neighbors would call the cops of I let off just ONE 12 gauge shell?
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Now comes the segment where I spent most of my time on the project. Hmm, should I just cut that stupid tool off with a dremel? No, how could I, it has served me well today as a spring pulling device, what if a friend needs to install a center stand someday and cheaps-out like I did on the 33 dollar spring tool?....I must save it! and so began all kinds of finagling and shimmying with a screw driver in a feeble attempt at removing the tool without un-hooking the spring...POP!! there it went, unhooked. I stopped and slumped over in defeat, I honestly did not know if I could muster up enough strength...and gas, to give it another go. After about 8-9 more tries and a few tears I was almost ready to give up. Then with a little more thought I changed the angle of the mystery tool and pulled with all of my being and let out a M@$%*(-^&*(#R!!! loud enough that I'm sure the neighbor lady heard me and ran back inside from hanging her laundry.
Sweet *&$@ing Eureka!!!! That POS is ON!
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I hope this gives you a laugh (like the crow) and maybe in some odd way helps the next sucker who tries to install one on his/her Tiger 955i.
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