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this is the latest protection stuff they are testing ,air bags see what you think !
i can attest to that to ! although i rode the bike the 6 miles home with a broken pelvis and fractured wrist :y30::y25:,rather than leave the bike where it was . and then take a ride in the ambulance:y2:

Now you are one tough dude!

In my case I was able to walk to the ambulance (chase vehicle), but poor Carl had a busted foot - but I would never call him a tenderfoot:y2:

I was sure a tenderfoot that day! BGRIN I could walk on it; but it certainly hurt to do so.

Its only when you see your kit after a crash that it becomes as clear as daylight how well it does work

your dead right there dave ! and i can honestly say that the new textile stuff is every bit as good as leathers ,when it comes to protection and better when it comes to comfort .
you could say iv'e field tested both !:y2: as iv'e crashed in both ! a bonus with the textile stuff is it dosn't heat up when your sliding down the road; like leather dose :y2:

That is 100% true. My textile riding gear was so torn up that I left it all behind along with my helmet, but it saved me from much worse than what did happen.
The orthopedic surgeon that saw me in emergency was amazed that I didn't have a broken collar bone, broken ribs and internal and head injuries.
Buy the best riding gear you can afford - even if you can't afford it. There's too much at stake.

I agree. My gear was shredded, too. But it did its job. I would likely have had a broken elbow and and possibly a broken collar bone were it not for the gear. And I would definitely have had a bunch of pavement rash. I wear textile gear for the reasons Shane mentioned. It is more comfortable than leather and just as effective for everyday riding. And it is darn sight cooler in warm weather. As most of you know, I was an ATTGATT rider before my get off - and it paid off. I rode to Tampa today, about an 85 mile trip one way. It was 94 F/34 C on the return trip. I was glad I was not wearing leather.
Here is a gif of the photos from the 2nd page of the link...

well iv'e made plenty of mistakes in my life ,but iv'e learnt from them . plus when i was young good rideing gear was exspensive to buy and you couldn't afford it. it was the usual ex army boots, jeans , second hand leather jacket and a p**s pot helmet and goggles .
( looked like you were going to jump in an old spitfire :y2:)

I could never afford a leather jacket it was the normal denim one I had to use but you are right gear is now affordable and you still see those out riding using none

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