Paekak hill on an america. part 2

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hairy old fart
Supporting Member
Following on from part 1
This is the section from the summit,heading down the hill southwards as far as Battle Hill,where the road opens up a bit and into the Pauatahanui Valley, which will be part 3 when I get to it.
This was a cruisy ride down so as to be able to see the scenery.
With the extra view shots at the top it runs just over 8 mins.

WHAT ... no sheep?

I gotta get me one of those cameras. I just showed your vid to Sharron and suggested getting one one day and she said, " They are essential tools", that sure came out of the blue, I love that girl.
Yup, and wots more Kev, there getting cheaper everyday.
Sketch And I picked up this on as the Go Pro HD naked (comes with a couple of basic stick on mounts ) for $320 kiwi.
I believe they now have the HD 2 , be worth checking out the extra features,such as the remote mike facility.
harry i cant get over how much like wales your country side is !! that was just like going to... betws y coed... in north wales .
and an added bonus you ride on the right side of the road ..that is the left side of the road..:y2:
harry i cant get over how much like wales your country side is !! that was just like going to... betws y coed... in north wales .
and an added bonus you ride on the right side of the road ..that is the left side of the road..:y2:

Hey Shane, I live in a state called New South Wales, when I eventually get one of those cameras you can be the judge.
BTW we also ride on the propper side of the road.
Nice video, Harry. A good run and gorgeous scenery. I saw a couple of roads off to the side that looked like Tiger roads. :y2:

Unfortuanately Carl,the only entrys and exits to that stretch of road are private driveways onto private propertys.

Harry that sure is a stunning road to ride and thanks for the view, loved that. You sure have your camera position waxed it is almost like I was riding pillion BBEER

Cheers Dave. I only included the view cos you told me off on the last one.:) Re the cam position,I have one more tweek to make to the mount which will shift the cam about 16mm to the left therefore showing less of the speedo (which would be good).

harry i cant get over how much like wales your country side is !! that was just like going to... betws y coed... in north wales .
and an added bonus you ride on the right side of the road ..that is the left side of the road..:y2:

Shane, I had a quick sqizz at Betws.y.coed in google earth,and I can see wot your saying.

Hey Shane, I live in a state called New South Wales, when I eventually get one of those cameras you can be the judge.
BTW we also ride on the propper side of the road.

Hmmm.... I can see some good Wollongong footage in the making.
nice one Kev.
A view from the top this morning of the road as it winds its way up. At about 1 third of the way up the road disappears inland and that is where the awesome hairpin is.


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That would be cool just need to check the lotto numbers first :y2: Over the years a few people have been killed on that road by huge rock falling and crushing their cars, I always have that in the back of my mind when driving along it
We have a similar road with posted signs saying, "Falling Rocks Do Not Stop". I always think, "We know once they start to fall they don't stop". :y16:
Following on from part 1
This is the section from the summit,heading down the hill southwards as far as Battle Hill,where the road opens up a bit and into the Pauatahanui Valley, which will be part 3 when I get to it.
This was a cruisy ride down so as to be able to see the scenery.
With the extra view shots at the top it runs just over 8 mins.


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