Nevermind...I found it! The OIF bike's oil lines are routed a bit differently and the drain/check plug was "hiding" underneath them.
If you don't plan to ride it in the weather and as a daily rider, you can leave them. But if you ride much, they will get pitted from stones, bugs sand, etc. That is why I have then on our 03 Bonnies.I still haven't decided if I want to cover-up the perfectly preserved front forks with the fork gaiters I bought yet. It'll take a lot of work to install them and then a lot of work to remove them if I should decide I don't care for them. This is a tough decision.
I also bought a set of chrome chain adjusters (with related hardware) and chrome rear shock mounting bolts all of which I have yet to install.
Lastly, I bought a set of the fuel tank knee pads. I got them all lined-up properly on the tank and attempted to mount them (they are the glue-on type) with a glue called Automotive GOOP. I've used this stuff many times before on cars for attaching weatherstripping and trim..... always with great results. So I smear it around on the back of the knee pads and I put them on the tank using masking tape to keep them in place overnight until the glue dried. Well, to my dismay they looked great at first, but then once I got the engine heat rising up, the glue stopped holding them on! I was terrified that it may have ruined the paint underneath, but then I realized that I could simply "roll" it off with my fingers leaving no damage to the paint at all. It took some time to get it all off, but I dis eventually. It seems this glue doesn't want to stick of the back of the kneepads for some reason. You couldn't even tell there was ever any glue applied to the back of them!?
I'm thinking I may have to go to a car parts store and buy some of that black weatherstripping adhesive glue. Or, if anyone has ever glued kneepads on before, tell me what type of glue you used?