New to me Tiger 955i

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Well-Known Member
Picked up a low mileage 2006 Tiger at a local Triumph dealer about 6 weeks ago. I find that it is the most comfortable bike I've ridden in many years. Part of that has to do with old age and physical issues but mostly an excellent riding position and enough travel to absorb most road imperfections.

Long time rider but ride opportunities have been limited for several years now. Day and weekend trips only.

There will come a time when my vacation will once again be "mine" and the road trips will resume.

Looks like a good site here for Triumph support and wish I had found it before selling my Bonneville.

Live and Learn.

Thanks for the welcome!!!

I was following a google search and spotted a forum member I recognized from elsewhere.

Since he is a good guy, it seemed like the right place to be!!!

He also rides a Girlie! (hemibee)
Hey Tony!!!

If I had taken you up on the Tiger ride when you first offered, I'd probably been here a lot sooner!!!

I guess I could always say you were going to charge me for the demo ride. That might hold off on the Good Guy concerns.:y23:
Yeah, it would have at least cost you a piece of pie.

Us Girlie Riders are secretly plotting a take over of TriumphTalk and we will rename it TigerTalk, don't tell DaveM we are doing this. Our co-conspirators Shane and Keys should be along shortly to provide more info. Also don't let CarlS know, we are letting him think since he has an 800XC he will be have a position in the new management.

Grandpaul, also from the other forum is over here too.

Great bunch of folks here with a lot of great info available. Dave and Carl run a great site here, it's a lot like the other forum in many ways, just Triumph instead of Texas bike oriented.
Pie is very doable Tony.

I'm going to have to shut down and go to work......

Good thing my parts are coming UPS and won't be at the customer until 10:00. :y34:
A little late to the "welcome party" but a hardy WELCOME from Alabama.
I couldn't agree with you more Tiger is the most comfortable bike I have ever ridden.......sometimes its hard to stay awake !!! lol.
Check out the Tiger 995i section and join in the forum games section in the lounge, great fun:y2:

and Hemi we aren't supposed to tell Dave yet about TigerTalk :y150:
A little late to the "welcome party" but a hardy WELCOME from Alabama.
I couldn't agree with you more Tiger is the most comfortable bike I have ever ridden.......sometimes its hard to stay awake !!! lol.
Check out the Tiger 995i section and join in the forum games section in the lounge, great fun:y2:

and Hemi we aren't supposed to tell Dave yet about TigerTalk :y150:

Thank you Sir for the welcome. I'm been roaming around some and find that some threads are difficult to follow.

I find instances where someone "quotes" another poster but I don't see the quoted post.........:y22:

I also spent way too much time catching up on the "Photo game".....

Time to dig out the camera and go ride!
Exactly........if I could just find the darn camera......where did I put that thing.....:y2:

Some threads do tend to "meander" and get a little off topic known as :threadjacked: but that is rare here on TigerTalk ROTFL

Now where did I leave that recipe for sweet potato bread:y10:

Oh thats right Tigers Rule :rock: Can't wait to see pics of your Girlie.
I am certainly glad that "Flags" are displayed beside usernames.....

You guys are all over the planet!!!

The Isle of Skye. Always seemed so ethereal.