Glen Cheslock
I have been riding since 1955! I have a 2022 Bonneville Speedmaster and it's a great bike. But sadly, I have to quit riding due to age. I'd like to sell the bike but need some resources.
I had a similar thought! My plan when the time comes is to just keep doing maintenance on it and turn it over every now and then. Probably sit on it for a few minutes while running. Could even rig up a roller system and run through the gears. Of course make sure the motorcycle is firmly secured. LoL !Greetings from sunny North Texas. There is an alternative to selling, drain all the fluids and polish it up and mount it in your den as a trophy. Or you can use Craigslist.......
A side car!Trade it in for a bike you’re able to ride, even if that means getting a trike. If that’s not doable, there’s always convertibles.
There’s always a way.