I would also recommend you check the map sensor vacuum tubes which are the black tubes around 6mm outer diameter and run from a spigot on the air inlet manifolds to the map sensors under the rear of the tank. Unfortunately the engineers must had a big night before designing this or maybe some wacky tabaky as the tubing is around 4mm inside diameter which suits the Map sensor however the spigot in the manifold is 3.5mm outside diameter so they use a sealant to attempt to take up the 0.5mm difference. I had the same running issues and solved this problem by replacing the complete length of the moulded tubing with equal lengths of 3mm inside diameter vacuum tube which fits correctly on the manifold spigot and is little tight but being rubber fits on the map sensors and no more leaks.
If this is the problem the bike runs extremely poorly below 3000 rpm feels like its running out of fuel splutters and pops. It acutely is the opposite it is running far too rich due to the air inlet leaking on the map sensors they tell the bike the throttle is open further than it is (by less manifold pressure) and to richen the mixture so the EFI is pouring fuel in.
Hope this mod helps all if they find this problem.
Regards Greg