We live in a country with 11 official languages but English is becoming the most predominantly spoken amongst the S'African blacks in the urban areas with a penchant for clichés - this apparently is an exhibition of the superior command of the language. Being lost in translation often tickles me pink. Here are a few of my favourites:
Like rain off a chicken - Water off a duck's back
Running around the shrubs - Beating around the bush
One rotten potato spoils the bag - One rotten apple spoils the bushel
The tree on your back - Splinter in your eye
The cheap on your arm - Chip on your shoulder
Leave by the knife, die by the crime - Live by the sword, die by the sword
Gotta love Africa
Like rain off a chicken - Water off a duck's back
Running around the shrubs - Beating around the bush
One rotten potato spoils the bag - One rotten apple spoils the bushel
The tree on your back - Splinter in your eye
The cheap on your arm - Chip on your shoulder
Leave by the knife, die by the crime - Live by the sword, die by the sword
Gotta love Africa