With our new forum software we have the facilities to say thanks to members that we feel are making a contribution to a thread or a forum area. This may be just by helping other members out when they need answers to a question or by posting useful information within a forum area. The two methods available to us are as follows.
The Reputation System
By giving reputation to a members post. Read more on how this works here Reputations and how it works
Contributors Badges
This would be the Contributors Badges below the members name in thread view. More about how these badges work can be found here Forum Badges and Ranks. Members with a post count exceeding 500 post can also nominate other members for these badges and that would be done in this area Contributors Badge Nominations. More on how to actually nominate a member can be found in this thread Nominating a Member
So next time you read something you like please take a bit of time to consider one of these two options to say a thank you to that members
The Reputation System
By giving reputation to a members post. Read more on how this works here Reputations and how it works
Contributors Badges
This would be the Contributors Badges below the members name in thread view. More about how these badges work can be found here Forum Badges and Ranks. Members with a post count exceeding 500 post can also nominate other members for these badges and that would be done in this area Contributors Badge Nominations. More on how to actually nominate a member can be found in this thread Nominating a Member
So next time you read something you like please take a bit of time to consider one of these two options to say a thank you to that members