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Took My bike down to the dealer on Friday to hopefully get it looked at so they can diagnose the brake problem and if they need to order parts then get it done so when the appointment on Thursday comes they can fix it. If they wait until Thursday to diagnose, then looks like it may be another week before I get my bike back.
It's a real Pain in the butt getting there as we have a lot of flooding in my area again this year and they closed down part of the TransCanada highway due to the flooding. Means an extra hour detour there and back. Whoever designed that highway thru a floodplain should be fired.
The flooding is an ongoing issue due to our proximity to a large river(Saint John) that drains all the way from Northern New Brunswick and a good piece of Maine as well. Large snowfall amounts and poor forestry management(read clear cutting), mean this is going to happen more frequently. They put the new TCH highway thru an area notorious for flooding, and they knew that before building because it parallels the old highway. They made the new section a little bit higher than the old and figured they were good. They were wrong! That engineer should have known better.
Happy time! T'bird is alive once again. Dealer called today saying all fixed. Back brakes needed to be flushed/bled. Had them do the front as well, was overdue. And the bill is quite reasonable. That's even better news.:y45:
Now just have to wait until Friday to pick it up. Got to take vacation and the temps are supposed to be a balmy 14C. Flood waters have receded some and the main highway is open once again. All looking good. Temps supposed to be warmer on Sunday, so riding day.

On a different note, I did have a deal worked out on a brand new 2017 Tiger Explorer 1200 XRT they had. Was discounted quite well and came with the side panniers in the deal through Triumph. Gave them 2 days to get back to me with numbers, etc, and they did not put any effort into contacting me in time to make it happen, so I called them and canned the deal. Their loss, I guess. They may be stuck with that bike for another 2 years perhaps.
Great news that the Tbird is alive, well, and raring to go! TUP TUP Sorry to hear that you couldn't get a deal on the Explorer. Maybe they will make you an offer you can't refuse when you pick up your Tbird.
I'm often stunned at the lack of effort by some dealers to make a sale and their lack of customer service by not getting back to you
Numbers were already discussed. All they had to do was show me the final details on paper and I would have signed. The papers would have had to be signed by last Tuesday, 30 April for me to get the offer on the two side panniers that Triumph was offering at the time.
Well the Triumph pannier offer is still available. They did not know the pannier offer was going the be extended.
Also they offered an extended 2 year warranty worth 1300 to sweeten the offer.
Turns out the salesman reminded the finance person numerous times about getting the paperwork at least emailed to me so I could review it and they were so swamped with other deals they forgot about me. Apparently I was not the only one overlooked.
Will have to give this some serious thought.
Got to take the bike out for a test ride, and it is smooth, smooth, smooth. Loved that Triumph triple soundtrack. And I only gently revved it to 4K RPM while accelerating. Corners nicely and absorbs the bumps much nicer than my Tbird. That suspension works well.
And stupid if you ask me!
I agree with you 100%

Well the Triumph pannier offer is still available. They did not know the pannier offer was going the be extended.
Also they offered an extended 2 year warranty worth 1300 to sweeten the offer.
Turns out the salesman reminded the finance person numerous times about getting the paperwork at least emailed to me so I could review it and they were so swamped with other deals they forgot about me. Apparently I was not the only one overlooked.
Will have to give this some serious thought.
Got to take the bike out for a test ride, and it is smooth, smooth, smooth. Loved that Triumph triple soundtrack. And I only gently revved it to 4K RPM while accelerating. Corners nicely and absorbs the bumps much nicer than my Tbird. That suspension works well.
I am so glad you got to test ride it and that is definitely a deal sweetener. Is it an offer you cannot refuse?

I will say the finance person needs a course in assigning priorities and in asking for help when over whelmed!
I was able to deal with a different finance person to see final totals with all the taxes and fees added on the bill.
Will give it some serious thought. My wife was able to ride on back for a bit and liked the ride. Much taller bike to mount and dismount off of for her. Different riding position will require an adjustment. We know we like the T'bird. Question is; will we(mainly she) like the new riding position of the Explorer?
Will keep you guys posted.

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