On Friday I'll be visiting out Group H.O., just a couple of kays down the road, for a posh award ceremony to collect my 25 year long-service award. 
In those 25 years I've had just six bosses and all of them were/are really good. I reckon that I've only had about 12 working days in that time that I would describe as difficult and, most important of all, I have never been ordered/expected/directed to do anything illegal or illicit or misrepresentative in carrying out my duties (nowadays I am Commercial Manager at our engineering firm). If I could rewrite any of it, I wouldn't change much at all.

In those 25 years I've had just six bosses and all of them were/are really good. I reckon that I've only had about 12 working days in that time that I would describe as difficult and, most important of all, I have never been ordered/expected/directed to do anything illegal or illicit or misrepresentative in carrying out my duties (nowadays I am Commercial Manager at our engineering firm). If I could rewrite any of it, I wouldn't change much at all.