Ice storm wallops much of the USA ana Canada

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You sure know how to hurt a guy :y2:
Well, the deed is done and all the snow has been moved so now I can relax for the rest of the day.
Overnight the city plow filled in my driveway to the street with a wall of snow up to my waist and that took some time to knock down.
The drifts in my driveway down to my garage were just over my knees, but at least the snow is light and easy to move.
It's great to have a snow blower when you need it.
Got a new pair of shoes today....


-- Posted with TapaTalk
This is absurd!!
Yesterday morning at this time it was -16C. This morning it's +2C and the sun isn't even up yet!!!!!!
As a kid growing up on a farm we had snow shoes like that. My brother and sisters and I would put them on and run around on them in the deep snow just for the fun of it.
No TV, internet or video games back in those days :y2:
Yep Rocky....I remember staying outside all day in freezing temperatures thinking nothing of it. My ears and toes would go numb skating or sledding until my parents curfew.

In the old days the city would close off steep streets for kids to sled ride. You never see that today. And bon fires beside the frozen pond to thaw your toes when you were skating.

-- Posted with TapaTalk
Yep Rocky....I remember staying outside all day in freezing temperatures thinking nothing of it. My ears and toes would go numb skating or sledding until my parents curfew.

In the old days the city would close off steep streets for kids to sled ride. You never see that today. And bon fires beside the frozen pond to thaw your toes when you were skating.

-- Posted with TapaTalk
How many memories does that bring back!!!
We did the same thing with bonfires next to a frozen pond while we were skating or sledding.
Ever wonder what the Canadians are up to in the cold?




How do you change gears with them shoes on must be a pain nice pic thanks I for one could not handle that I would be that ice cube on that bike
There is an Arctic "vortex" which is bringing down all that cold air over the middle of the continent and well down into the southern states.
We're on the outside edge of it and in a warm air mass. The sun isn't up yet and it's still 5C(41F).
We had a lot of rain over the last 24 hours and all that snow we got is about half gone.
But that cold air will be back very soon CRY
It didn't reach freezing here last night as predicted; it got down to 34F/1C. I am sure in the low areas and swamps it hit the freezing mark. It is windy and the wind chill is 24F/-4C. It will only get up to 45F/7C today.


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