Human Beings can be so cruel

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Well, she was within hours of dying when I found her and I just couldn't leave her to die. She was completely matted so bad that under the matts were deep abscesses. The abscesses even had maggots in them! It was terrible. She had to be sedated and then completely shaved. Then the Vet cleaned the abscesses and stitched them closed with drain tubes to let them drain as she was on an anti-biotic regimen for about a Month. I really had to nurse her back to health.
Not a hero, just an animal lover! I just cannot handle seeing an animal suffer.

This all happened of course on a Saturday when all the Vet offices were closed and the Vet my Daughter works for was too far away. So I had to use the emergency animal hospital which charges a small fortune.

After the initial treatment there, my Daughter's place managed the rest of her recovery for free.
I hate animal cruelty and think those that commit it should be punished in away befitting the act committed.

I've worked with the Houston Rottweiler Rescue and I've seen some great dogs that were severely mistreated. Each of those dogs just wanted a little attention and some love. At one time I had 32 dogs that wanted to go home with me and one that wanted to eat me. I'd get out of the truck and all 33 of them would go crazy, they could hardly wait for me to come to their pens. I'd go out there to spend an hour with them and end up spending the day.

The last I heard, the one that wanted to eat me is working at a governmental site in Brazil, I guess he is eating those that venture into restricted areas. Man that was one mean mofo. I've never been scared of a dog before but that one was WICKED. If he hadn't been adopted by the Brazilian government he is one I would say needed to be put down.

Back to cats, I've never liked cats as pets but I don't think they should treated cruelly. If I had a farm I would have a couple or so but they would live in the barn. A co-worker's wife has a "cathouse" and raises some beautiful cats but I just can't see one as a pet here in my house. The only cat I've ever really liked was the one that called my wife's house home back when we were dating. Me and that cat understood each other and got along great.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
I could certainly qualify as an animal lover I guess. We have 10 dogs......most all are or where rescues, found on the side of the highway, abandoned...people would move and just LEAVE them....and somehow friends or family would get them here. We have 2 African Grey Parrots, one the former owner became ill and couldn't care for it. The other --the older parrot (33 years old) was owned by a Cuban gentleman in Key West who passed away, and the family determined the bird was MEAN and wanted to have it killed. I walked in picked the bird and walked out Eagle Heart is my biggest fan, to this day I am the only one who can handle, cuddle and play with her.....she bites everyone else. Coolest part she is bilingual speaking and understanding both English & Spanish :y2: We have a miniature pot bellied pig (Hamlet) We heard the former "owner" was going to kill, he had 2 pigs (male and female) and didn't want to "deal" with the babies, Shannon got there just in time to save the last one.....the others where not so lucky. SAD Yes people can be very cruel. Each and everyone of these animals are smart funny and have such interesting personalities, it is horrible to think somebody tossed them aside like garbage.
we also have a cat, who adopted us, 2 rabbits (Shannon actually wanted those---not rescues) and fish.....oh and the gerbil she saved from a plastic box in some guys car.....yep he was keeping him in a box in the car in South Florida....... people they are the worst.
My Daughter was a member of 4H and raised quite a few different animals as a part of it. Then, they have a County Fair where they show their animals and they get sold. It's supposed to teach kids that many farm animals are raised for sale and food. We did lop-eared bunnies, cows, and all sorts of things.

My favorites were the miniature goats and Riley the pig. The goats were hilarious chasing and butting the dogs. We bought them two of those plastic igloo looking things to shelter them in the winter. But you'd look outside during a snowstorm and they'd be standing on top of the igloos!

We all got attached to Riley the pig. He was way smarter than a dog and would come when called. Some friends bought him at the County Fair and had him slaughtered. They then invited my Daughter over one morning for breakfast and asked her how she liked the bacon. She freaked out when they told her she was eating Riley! I was pretty mad at them for pulling such a terribly cruel joke on a little girl.
Yes, Hamlet has a "Little Tykes Princess Playhouse"......really......he loves it. Shannon covered the windows, and made it very cozy for him. HE is very smart, house broken, and actually cleaner than the dogs, less odor as well. (he comes in when its cold---or too hot) pampered little piggy he is. The larger dogs do not mess with him, 2 of them Abbey and Halo play with him, cuddle up to him and sleep. Very cute.
But I do feel a little guilty when making bacon. SAD But its BACON......I am male, human........I mean its BACON!!! DOn't judge me :y2:

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