Horrible Tragedy at Fort Hood

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That tells it like it is except it is not the Army leadership that is eaten up with PC; it is the from the top of DoD and up. In short, it is the civilians - politicians and political appointees.
Actually, my Sons tells me that in (at least) today's Marine Corps they are given courses and drilled on being tolerant of other's religious beliefs. There are also mechanisms in place to handle if someone is being harassed due to their religion, race, or sex. He says they go out of their way to accommodate Muslims....food and prayer wise.

This particular guy put on his own official documents that he had NO religious affiliation for some odd reason. No one forced him to lie.
A few observations about the media reporting on this horrible event....

Chris Matthews said that we may never know if it was driven by religion. Huh? It seems to me that religion had EVERYTHING to do with it.

The MSM is trying to imply that this guy heard so many horror stories from returning soldiers about combat that he somehow suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Again...Huh? PTSD isn't CONTAGIOUS! You can't "catch" it from someone else. That's just plain absurd.

Using that reasoning is ridiculous.....he listened to soldiers talk about the horrors of war so that caused him to unleash horror himself? I thought he didn't want to go into a combat zone? So he decides to create one?

Then there are those who plead that we must not judge and certainly not judge too quickly without all the facts. It's really strange that the very same media people who are saying that today, about this incident, are the very same people in the media who were judging the man who murdered an abortion doctor within hours of that happening. They certainly didn't hold-back judgment in the case of the man who started shooting at the Jewish Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.

A few liberal media types wanted to accuse Tea Party protesters of inciting violence too. They spoke for at least a week about how dangerous these protests were and that the people who organized them were possibly to blame for any violence that came from it. Well, I wonder..... WHO INCITED THIS VIOLENCE? They don't have the GUTS to say.

Nidal Hassan sat on Obama’s national security panel last year.

Who wouldn't have guess that?.....

Has the entire world gone utterly mad?

Here's the headline from the BBC website:

Shooting Raises Fears For Muslims In US Army

Really? Right now the body count stands at:

Non-Muslims 13
Muslims 0

........Even if you take the view that it would be grossly unfair if all Muslims were to be tarred by Major Hasan's brush, it is, to put it at its mildest, the grossest bad taste to default every single time within minutes to the position that what's of most interest about an actual actrocity with real victims is that it may provoke an entirely hypothetical atrocity with entirely hypothetical victims.

The BBC article is actually worse than the headline. There is, though, a certain black humor to this kind of news coverage. For example:

Kamran Memon of the organisation Muslims For a Safe America says the subject splits America's Muslim community down the middle.

"Those at one end of the spectrum say we should have nothing to do with the US armed forces as they are involved in wars with our fellow Muslims abroad," he told the BBC.
"Those at the other end say we should definitely serve and help defend our country against those who wish to attack it.

"There is no easy answer to this."

It's a puzzle, all right.

Mr Memon says the vast majority of Muslim citizens in America are "able to live peaceful lives", even though they have probably suffered some discrimination, if only a hostile look, since the 11 September 2001 attacks.

Raise your hand if no one has given you a hostile look since 2001. I actually get a lot of them, but then, I ride a Triumph.

However, there have been some high profile incidents in recent years that have fuelled tensions.

At a camp in Kuwait, as his unit prepared to move into Iraq in March 2003, Sergeant Hasan Akbar threw hand grenades and opened fire on a tent full of sleeping soldiers in the early hours of the morning.

Yes, that could tend to fuel tensions. Maybe even lead to a hostile look! Meanwhile, we're still waiting for that hypothetical atrocity with its hypothetical victims.
Too close to home (figuratively AND literally) for me to be objective about it.

Kevin is scheduled to be in that EXACT facility in two weeks' time.

Bottom line: the murderer's death sentence should have been carried out on the spot. To hell with any "intelligence" he has/had.
I agree, AJ; the liberals are blind to Islam. This is not a new trend. Hollywood has been glorifying Islam and denigrating Christianity for years. The apex of this was Kevin Costner's "Robin Hood. In that movie the Christian friar was made to be a drunk and a cheat and the good guy was the Muslim.

GP, this is where Maw Lyne's son is stationed also. For the first time, she was glad he was deployed to Iraq. Interesting that his parent unit called her to assure her he was still in Iraq and was not at Ft Hood when the slaughter went down.
Today Napolitano stated her department would aggressively prosecute hostile action against muslims. She made no mention of weeding out other "sleepers".
Have any of you ever been to a VA shrink before?

It doesn't surprise me one bit that this guy was nuts.

I was sent to one once and after several sessions with him he declared that I was more sane than he was. I heard that he committed suicide about 3 months later.

But just set foot in any VAMC and look at the quality of doctors......you're better off going to a veterinarian.
Actually, I find the care at Orlando VAMC to be very good. The nurses and doctors that I have had are quite dedicated to their patients. I was impressed.

Every psychiatrist I have met has been a nut case. I have not dealt with any VA shrinks.
[quote author=The Seeker link=topic=7577.msg41289#msg41289 date=1257624083]
Has the entire world gone utterly mad?

Here's the headline from the BBC website:

Shooting Raises Fears For Muslims In US Army

Really? Right now the body count stands at:

Non-Muslims 13
Muslims 0


I think the death toll is now 14 - I've just heard that one of the victims was a pregnant woman, or doesn't her unborn baby count??

When this 'thing' comes out of hospital, will he have a Military trial or a civilian trial?? No matter which, he's going to scream prejudice and is going to end up in a cushy cell, 'protected' from other inmates or does Texas have the death penalty??
[quote author=The Seeker link=topic=7577.msg41332#msg41332 date=1257745844]
I'd love to meet a VA doctor that has English as his native language! You rarely can even grasp what they are saying around here!

Both doctors and the nurses that I see at the Orlando clinic are Anglo Saxon Americans. One of the nurses is Hispanic; but she speaks very clear English.
[quote author=Gromit link=topic=7577.msg41334#msg41334 date=1257746908]
I think the death toll is now 14 - I've just heard that one of the victims was a pregnant woman, or doesn't her unborn baby count??

When this 'thing' comes out of hospital, will he have a Military trial or a civilian trial?? No matter which, he's going to scream prejudice and is going to end up in a cushy cell, 'protected' from other inmates or does Texas have the death penalty??

Texas does have the death penalty. However, this looks like the Army will handle it - so far anyway. This case can go one of three ways - Army jurisdiction since it occurred on post and a solder is the perp; Texas jurisdiction since in occurred in Texas; and FBI jurisdiction since it occurred on federal property. It is the Army's call.

My guess is that DoD under pressure from on high will direct the Army to retain jurisdiction where the events and information can be somewhat controlled. There is a death penalty in Uniform Code of Military Justice; but it will not happen because he is a Muslim. Obama's Director of Homeland Security has already issued an edict that anyone retaliating against Muslims will be swiftness and vigorously prosecuted. She has not said a word about rooting out sleepers in the Armed Forces.
Remind me that if I want to commit a crime, come and do it in the USA. That way I can claim a minority status as I'll be one of only 1000 SA citizens in the US so i would qualify for that status!!!
What's good for the goose is certainly not good for the gander. Or should that be 'good for the goose that lays the golden egg'???