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Hey Gang, sorry, been gone a bit. Drastic circumstances beyond my control.
In the last few weeks our daughters Father in Law (real great guy and a Vietnam vet) has been diagnosed with an inoperable malignant brain tumor (prompting many changes, relocation's of our daughter and grand babies and ...well lots o' time and work)
Our business has been increasing RAPIDLY (snagged 2 official Minor College Bowl Games (Football end of season games) this season and a 3rd. on the way we locked in contracts on all the garments for). Add in Employee problems, (over worked & underpaid in their minds and getting rebellious) and the Owner (and 2 family related employees) had to bail when the Owners father died over a week ago very suddenly, leaving his Mother ----who basically only speaks German-- stuck and alone in Lodi Ca. WHILE we are in the middle of a company move, purchasing a new building and a new automated printing press (our 5th now) factor in our busiest volume month since we opened in 1999!! And ALL with my mentally unstable butt running the show:y13:......never rains it pours.....if anyone here has screen printing experience and wants to come to Mobile Al. LET ME KNOW!!!

Sorry I have not been around to contribute much, brief respite this evening, but running the current crew on split shifts 7 days a week trying to keep up hasn't left me much "free" time that includes my being awake. Next week ain't lookin so good either.SAD

So, I will say HEY YA'LL!!! TO everyone hope all are well! I'm still kickin, And keep the shiny side up!

Some not so great news here but really great to hear the business is rocking BBEER Now dont go burning yourself out now, try and take a bit of time off for family time.

Sent from my GT-I8190 using Tapatalk
Thanks Gang. Yes I am focusing on the positive news as best I can. And plan to take a little time for myself later today actually, as we have excellent 60 degree temps low humidity and sun all 3 in the same day :y16: first time in a long time. Out to dinner with the better half on the Tiger........now thats a plan :y15:
I was wondering about you Bro, figured you were either busy with the changes at work or you had got the Hippie Wagon all set up and was pushing your wares while cruising. I'm sorry to hear there was some bad news mixed in with the good.

Stay positive and don't let it get you down.

Sent from somewhere using Tapatalk
Sorry to hear the bad news; but I'm glad you are OK - in spite of being overworked! It was good talking with you the other day. Hang in there; it will get better.
Thanks Carl, and thank you for the call it was good to speak with you as always. I hope you are enjoying your week and prep for your house guest. Still working through the growing pains of our little company here, nothing worth having comes easy :y2:
Mother-in-law has arrived. She takes a lot of my time taking her various places. But we get along great; she doesn't speak English and I don't speak Spanish. BGRIN

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