If you click on the link to the very first forum we had you will still find the threads you posted telling us about your upcoming move

That is fantastic, I joined late in 2006 or middle of 2006, although it don't show on my profile. Was fairly active and then immigrated to Australia.
I sold the 675 and all other bikes as part of the move.
Been without a bike for a while and making a move like this is extremely hard and you focus so much on fitting in and adapting to your environment.
Dave and Carl were and still are my cornerstones, Carl has a super special place in my heart.
TT was the first forum I also joined and is one of the only two I belong to and let me tell you TT is AMAZING.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Triumphtalk
Happy birthday tooooo youuuu
Now for the next 80.........I will most probably not be around then but......but......you know what I mean.
Cheers Johnny
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Was not necessary, I was gone for a while and I am back not even on a Triumph.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I think if it were not for our founding members that gave us a chance when we started off we would never have been able to get to where we are now. It also set the trend on how the forum should run and to date we seemed to have kept to that trend having very few instances of any bad vibes going down here. We sure have been lucky with the boundaries that each and every new members just seems to take up when they join. TriumphTalk has been a breeze to run over these years, most time just being able to be spent on enhancing the forum and not sorting out issues between members. Most of the time our most drastic moderation are just to move a thread or two into a better forum area.![]()
Here Here,
Well I'm going to push to boat out tonight and have a coke on the rocks to celebrate, it's the quiz night tonight at our local, for a £1.00 entrance fee you get hot food and a chance to win £180.00, we came 2nd last week, so who knows what might happen tonight.
Happy Birthday TT and thanks to all that need thanking
Wishing you the best with the quiz. Let us know how you do.