Ok...Good News... I was able to get her running!!!
I Installed a temporary Gas tank (aluminum water bottle) that I had from my previous build. I did a rough wiring job, Just the basics to get her running.
I must have kicked it about 40 times and nothing( have about 20+ minutes of video), I had to double check all my wiring and tested to see if I had Spark... and NO, I did not.
Please note I am not running a battery, because I'm using the Sparx rectifier/regulator/battery eliminator box. Wiring looked ok, so just as I was about to call it a night, I decided to connect my sears battery charger into the wiring. tested for spark and yes I go spark... Installed the spark plug and on the second kick she turned on... For about 10 seconds, The Bike move in reverse and the charger got disconnected and she died. Then I noticed I forgot to turn on the camera... Darn. So I set it up again, this time with a piece of wood to stop her form rolling back. And here is the video of that event. Also note I forgot to open the fuel valve on the temporary tank, and yes need to adjust the idle speed
Al though I am very happy I finally turned On, I till need to Figure out what is going on with my electrical.
I searched all over and could not find anyone with a Diagram using Sparx Battery eliminator and Sparx Electric Ignition. So I put together this diagram: