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Well.......I have been meaning to quit.....I have been smoking the filtered mini cigars for the past year or 2. I cam across this at the store the other day.

So am I the only one dumb enough to try this as a smoking cessation route or have others tried these? They come (to date) in 2 nicotine levels. I purchased this yesterday and am quite pleased with the taste etc. it is actually smoother and more flavorful than the real thing. I did try to smoke 1 real cigar latel yesterday and had to put it out after a few puffs it was horrible.
So This seems to be doing the trick. I figure to use this one till it expires (its a disposable) then drop down to the next lower nicotine level and maybe at that point just quit all together when that one dies.
If anyone has any experience with them let me know. :y16:
Had a High School football coach that did the same Hemi. Guy had a big 'ol stoggie all the time....never lit it, just chewed on it and spit a lot.....or maybe thats just cause he was yelling at me a lot lol.
I think these are very new, here at least. The e-cigarettes have been around for years, but this is Swishers first foray into the market in a filtered cigar format. But I thought others in other countries may have seen these before or similar.
Cant tell you nothing about them Keys,but if they satisfy your cravings then its a winner.
After just shy of 40 years of smoking I gave up the fags cold turkey in the end.
What worked for me was the guilt of smoking when everyone in the hospital was trying to save my life.
BBEER Congrats to you on quitting Devo.
Thats the exact situation what I am hoping to avoid. I had quit and stayed quit for 18 years....then divorce, real estate bubble collapse economic destruction relocation job changes and the loss of both Grandfathers a Grandmother and a Father all combined in a three year span......well.....I been smoking like a chimney since about 2 things into the previously mentioned list.

However job is now going well (and growing) the newer "pretty wife" is a huge mental and emotional upgrade, family is well and life is good.......time to leave the past behind, and be AROUND for the future. :y16:
I did the same as devo and went cold turkey !.... it will be 3 years this new years day .
good on ya keys and send you loads of luck :y15:.
those false fags and cigars have been over here for a long time now , and I know a few people that have quit with them ......so good luck .
Thanks for the well wishes and support. I "cold turkey-ed" it first time I quit......this time has been more difficult. Possibly a good deterrent to anyone who has quit thats thinking about taking it back up.......its not easier to quit the second time "because I have done it before so it will be easy" nope.....exact opposite!
E-cigar Seems to be helping when the cravings come for sure...as stated on packaging the thing lasted about as long as 2 packs...about 2 days, but I am not smoking the fake cigar as much. Though truth be told I didn't actually "smoke" all the real cigars....half of them got tossed or put out half finished.
On the upside 48 hours in I generally feel better, and am all ready enjoying the non smoking for sure.:y2:
That could be it Dave. ROTFL
A coworker suggested just staying blind drunk for a few days......after the hangover and sickness pass......you won't want to drink or smoke ever again......Boy with friends like that eh? :y16:
Another suggesting murdering prostitutes and making a quilt of the hides......you know, I think I need to get some better friends.....before I end up as part of a quilt after a 3 day blind drunk.....:y10::y13: Scary just dang scary.
Actually on to the serious stuff I was smoking around 80 of these a day at one stage :y10:


The one day I lit one up had a pull on it and just felt that this was not for me. Out the window with the packet and lighter and I never worried about them for 14 years. My biggest issue was the fact of having the habit of reaching for them at certain times as in a reflex action. I never had any withdrawal issues or cravings for them at all. I suppose I was just one of the lucky ones then :y2:

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