cleaning the front sprocket of street twin 2018

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I carry the chain lube along with plexiglass cleaner for my face shielded and windscreen in a plastic bag in my right pannier.
I don't have a windscreen on my bike, I have a full face helmet, with a face shield. I just use water, hand soap and a couple of soft cotton rags, that I carry with me, for just such situations.
I know what your talking about now and yes I do have some, from Amsoil. I really don't carry it around, like I do my chain lube though. Yes,, I usually put it on, at the beginning of the fall and spring seasons. It stays on for about six months or more and if you get caught in the rain, it's wonderful to have. My really big thing though, is those big bugs. That's why I wear a Full face Helmet, with the face shield. But, that Amsoil cleaner and protectant does a great job and makes all that dirt, bug goo along with all that road dirt gime, come right off very easily. But otherwise, I just use soapy water and a clean cloth rag, that I carry in my little fanny pack, for my face shield.
There also some stuff from Lucas that does the same thing too. It basically defogs the sun fog from the sun beating down on the plastic face shield all day and the stuff rubs on, let it dry and then rub it out and it makes the plastic look, like a band new piece of plastic. The Amsoil makes the same thing but, theirs gets rid of water and makes it beads up, then roll off the face shield. Better than having a whipper. Pretty cool stuff. I think we're talking about the same thing? They also make this spay stuff, that after you wash and dry your bike down and it's all dry. You spray this stuff all over your bike and no dirt or anything sticks to it. It works great. Plus you don't have to wash your bike as much either. I really like Amsoil products, But that's just me too.
I also like and regularly use Amsoil products. However, what I use on my plexiglass is this. I, too, wear full face helmets.

I'll give the Plexus a shot, to be fair and unbiased? But, with no disrespect, I'm probably going to stay with Amsoil's, Mudslinger. Mainly because, I'm an Amsoil dealer, so, I can even get it even cheaper, than the Plexus goes for and without the shipping. Plus, they're both very fine products also. The only reason that I became an Amsoil dealer in the first place, was because all my rides use Amsoil, I also think it's a very fine product too. So, it just made since, for me, to become an Amsoil dealer, instead of a preferred customer. That way, I can save more money in the long run. I've been very happy with all of their products so far. Amsoil is easier for me to get, because they send it, right to my house, within three to four days. I make out an order and I just buy extra supplies for my cars and my bike. Things that I know that I'm going to need. Then I buy them buy them then. Right now, I'm on a cost cutting crusade. So, that I can save my money, to buy those tires that I want and need real soon. I'm buying those Michelin Commander III's Cruising tires. That are going to cost me around 307.00 brand new, for the set of tires in my size. Thay get 25,000 miles on a fully loaded HD Dresser. My Bobber, is a lot lighter than any HD dresser is. So, I should get some real great mileage out of them. Otherwise, I could get some cheaper tires, but I'll only get 12,000 miles out of a set of them. Since I'm on a fixed income, I've really got to watch things very closely right now and hang on to my money, for those metric tools, along with a good torque wrench. That I'm going to buy for my christmas present.
Though I like Amsoil and use many of their products, I have never tried Mudslinger. It does not seem to have the same properties for plexiglass as does Plexus.
For some reason, they don't sell the Mudslinger in Canada. I don't know why, either? But, it says on the Amsoil site, that Mudslinger is not solid in Canada, for some reason. I haven't actually ever used Plexus, yet! So, I have no idea about the comparison between the two products. But, I'll pick up some Plexus and give it a try. Thanks for the info.
I did a lot of research this morning on face shield cleaners. Plexus is right up there too, along with The V2 Sponge. That comes in it's own small carrying case, along with two micro fiber rags to wipe off the excess water. The V2 sponge can be cleaned up with just water and water only. It can be used over and over again, and it's made in the UK. It cost around five bucks and you can get it off Amazon. Or you can `You just put a little water, onto this specially made sponge, that is designed to clean and not scratch your face shield, at all and it cleans up everything very nicely also. To store it, while you're riding. Just put some water on it, then squeeze it to where it's damp, then put it back in it's carrying case and the sponge will stay wet, for the whole day. Then just pull it out and clean your face shield as much as needed. Then, just rinse the sponge out throughly with just plain water until it's clean. Then, just put it back into its case, then put it into your jacket pocket or a small storage place like a tee shirt pocket, will even work. Anyway, I found this option, when I was looking at face shield cleaners this morning. This seems like the easiest to use and to carry with you.

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