Calming Down

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I have a BIG day today. I'm going to the Cali DMV for a scheduled apptmt. to try to get my motorcycle riding license back, after having to be 'on the run' 10 years (for making a choice to attend my Wife during her final months, or being in violation of probation). It is so important to me (it's also a 'cage' license), that I am trying to prepare for a 'dead calm' 'on top of my game' state of mind. This was 1st on my list to, because I needed to express my state to people who may understand. I haven't had that since I withdrew from college because of COVID. So anyway 'gang' Wish me Luck.

Audios ( a pun. I was a pro soundman for 10 years) Muchachas & Muchachos
How’d it go? Well I hope.
Well, unfortunately, it was a complete waste of time. Their 'virtual office' mislead me into thinking I was going to speak to live people at a 'hearing' (I was dressed up like I hadn't been sine the last funeral I attended & even listened to James Taylor before I went, so I'd be 'cool, calm & collected'). Nope. Nobody there knew what to do with me (even with my AI letter in hand), until 1 1/2 hours later, someone called Sacramento & hand copied instructions (no copier ?) for me to follow that completely disregarded the presentation I wished to persuade a live person to make a considered opinion of & fair decision. "Oh Well" (P. Green). Back to the drawing board & being an 'outlaw'.
Wow, is that the last legal option before an appeal to the governor?
Well, the person in Sacramento that I'm supposed to ask questions of will have to answer 1st if they can only 'rubber stamp' DMV policy, or if they are allowed to make informed decisions & judgements. If the later is true, the 2nd one is if I can take the 18 month 'course' online, because if I can't, I can't possibly take it due to the necessary care for my Sons. I WILL go to the State if I have to. I don't need a lawyer. Never have.
Well, the person in Sacramento that I'm supposed to ask questions of will have to answer 1st if they can only 'rubber stamp' DMV policy, or if they are allowed to make informed decisions & judgements. If the later is true, the 2nd one is if I can take the 18 month 'course' online, because if I can't, I can't possibly take it due to the necessary care for my Sons. I WILL go to the State if I have to. I don't need a lawyer. Never have.
Well, the phone call ended up on 'hold' forever, but they were connecting me to a Technician (rubber stamp) for the 'Mandatory Action Bureau. I just now printed out (no fee, no lawyers needed) an application for a Pardon from the Governor & the necessary application for Clemency from the san diEGO District Attorney's Office (I helped them get a murderer convicted [happened in my cell] as a witness who didn't witness anything, but since it was my cell, they used me to scare the Defendants Attorney). One step at a time, eh ?