A ride down under

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OK someone :y10: put a "Contour" camera onto the tank and took a run up a big hill. He's happy with his first result but what's the easiest way to share with you?
It's a MOV file about 1 gig and takes about 16 min to run. I use Photobucket for my photos.
Help please,
from Lost. :y11:
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Re: Posting a vid ???

The best way is to create an account on one of the video hosting sites like Vimeo or YouTube I like Vimeo better these days. However I think that 1Gig would still be much too large for any of these site and you may have to edited it down a bit
Re: Posting a vid ???

Thanks Dave, I joined "Vimeo" and found out that I had to reduce the vid by about 50%. That sure took some time for me to figure out. Then another hour + to upload. Who knows when it will be available, possibly in the morning? When it's ready I'll post with a couple of comments.
Re: Posting a vid ???

I am looking forward to seeing it. I have to get myself one of these!

Re: Posting a vid ???

The vid had to be trimmed by about 50% for Vimeo. I don't have editing tools yet so I couldn't take the bit out when (the rider, whoever he is :y8:) was held up by a couple of slower bikes. Also no music but if you crank it up you get plenty of exhaust and wind noise. This ride is from the coastal flat to the top of a small mountain about 1,500 ft high so it's a constant climb. The pace is about normal, with the traffic and being mindful of what can happen with cameras on bikes (the rider) was running at about 75%.



Just checked out, it looks a lot better if you click the bottom right full screen button and it's (on my computer) slow loading, so clicking pause and allowing it to load up helps.
Gotta love the Street Triple!:y45:
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Re: Posting a vid ???

The video turned out great the quality was excellent well done. That road is just made for a bike by the looks of it and the surface seem really good as well. Those tow bikes in the front I noticed the back one had his brake light flashing is it just faulty or is that a safety thing you guys have your side. Now if you look at the first bike with it's indicator flashing like that now that is the reason I never use the things. Sooner stick out the hand as I never forget to bring it back after I made the turn lol
Re: Posting a vid ???

That flashing taillight was a bit strange as it looked normal on the road but the camera showed it like a strobe light. I suspect the frequency of the LED's some how synchronized with the camera.
The yellow Ducati rider just didn't notice that he'd left his blinker on.
We have a lot of roads like that one in this area but it's much better to ride mid week.
Off to bed now 1.00am Monday, stayed up to watch MotoGP, what a race it was.
Re: Posting a vid ???

BTW......I believe (don't quote me) that YouTube allows videos of 1 Gig and above.

Also on the indicator being left on.....

Many people put down Harley-Davidsons and say they are dinosaurs of technology. But all H-Ds at least do have self-canceling indicators! I sure wish my Triumphs came equipped with some of that dinosaur technology!!
Re: Posting a vid ???

I wish my one also had them I did look at that mod on the one site but I never did go for it and I cannot remember why now, So the hand signals it is for me BGRIN
Re: Posting a vid ???

That was great. He is a skilled rider and it was nice to have places for the cages to pull to the side for passing.
Re: Posting a vid ???

The vid had to be trimmed by about 50% for Vimeo. I don't have editing tools yet so I couldn't take the bit out when (the rider, whoever he is :y8:) was held up by a couple of slower bikes. Also no music but if you crank it up you get plenty of exhaust and wind noise. This ride is from the coastal flat to the top of a small mountain about 1,500 ft high so it's a constant climb. The pace is about normal, with the traffic and being mindful of what can happen with cameras on bikes (the rider) was running at about 75%.



Just checked out, it looks a lot better if you click the bottom right full screen button and it's (on my computer) slow loading, so clicking pause and allowing it to load up helps.
Gotta love the Street Triple!:y45:

Video link updated to work with new forum software

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