Yep, almost.
I had really slowed down these last few months with way too much going on to make serious progress in the shop. Once we got over the most recent back-to-back road trips to Austin, I've really clamped down and focused on this Bonnie, and another client's '66 Norton Atlas. It has paid off, I have done the bulk of the work on these two, and gotten two decent payments. My engine overhaul client is slow to pay, so his project takes the back seat. He's supposed to bring me another payment next week and it'll be back on the front burner.
Once I get these 3 done, and the '67 Norton N15 shipped out, I can FINALLY concentrate on a couple of MY bikes! I need to detail my Triton, service my Guzzi/hack for spring & summer rides with the kids, clean the carbs on my Concours for my Iron Butt run, swap the battery on the ZRX, and line the tank of my Norton Combat Commando so it will stop gumming up the carbs.