Hello - I have a 79 T140E which I've been running for about 3 yrs now - it's a great bike and I'm really fond of it.
However it is currently firmly resident on the Naughty Step !!
Yesterday i decided it was time for an oil change so took it for a ride to warm up prior to doing the job - ran great (as usual).
(Incidentally this is a job I'm well familiar with and have carried out many times before). Things started to go wrong on start up immediately after the change - in summary there was no oil pressure on the feed side and it has me completely baffled why.
The actions taken are listed below in brief :-
Bike running fine for many years ( with aftermarket internal filter kit )
drained oil & fitted new filter
topped up frame reservoir
drained crankcases and cleaned gauze
started engine - return showed air bubbles only and after 30 secs oil warning light started flickering.
primed crankcases with 1/4 pt oil
checked feed line full - ok
started engine - return flowed normally for 30 secs, oil light off, then air only, oil light flickering again
removed OPRV - all ok and oil dribbling from hole
Removed oil pump to look for blockages - clean as a whistle !!!
HELP !!!!
I note that this thread is almost identical to a previous thread originated by MarcJG in Aug 2016 and entitled '77 T140 Not Pumping Oil After Change'. Unfortunately this thread didn't progress as far as a conclusion / solution.
I have been maintaining my own bikes for 40yrs now, ( Meriden Triumphs are fairly new to me) but this one has me baffled - anyone had a similar experience - and has anyone solved it ?
Eagerly awaiting your thoughts !
Regards, Paul
However it is currently firmly resident on the Naughty Step !!
Yesterday i decided it was time for an oil change so took it for a ride to warm up prior to doing the job - ran great (as usual).
(Incidentally this is a job I'm well familiar with and have carried out many times before). Things started to go wrong on start up immediately after the change - in summary there was no oil pressure on the feed side and it has me completely baffled why.
The actions taken are listed below in brief :-
Bike running fine for many years ( with aftermarket internal filter kit )
drained oil & fitted new filter
topped up frame reservoir
drained crankcases and cleaned gauze
started engine - return showed air bubbles only and after 30 secs oil warning light started flickering.
primed crankcases with 1/4 pt oil
checked feed line full - ok
started engine - return flowed normally for 30 secs, oil light off, then air only, oil light flickering again
removed OPRV - all ok and oil dribbling from hole
Removed oil pump to look for blockages - clean as a whistle !!!
HELP !!!!
I note that this thread is almost identical to a previous thread originated by MarcJG in Aug 2016 and entitled '77 T140 Not Pumping Oil After Change'. Unfortunately this thread didn't progress as far as a conclusion / solution.
I have been maintaining my own bikes for 40yrs now, ( Meriden Triumphs are fairly new to me) but this one has me baffled - anyone had a similar experience - and has anyone solved it ?
Eagerly awaiting your thoughts !
Regards, Paul