I've recently obtained a 1977 T140 that the previous owners had a "friend" build. has not been started since '05 and then it was "only once" is the story I get. It is nearly stock.... except for the ignition and most wiring. There is no ignition switch, just an "on-off' switch on the headlamp. Also.. running a battery-less system. Its been converted to a Boyer with a Mity max battery replacement. The coil(s) it seems is also a replacement, being unlike what is shown in the manual, and looking like something I can buy online.. its a smaller rectangular pack with both plug wires connecting to the one pack. (about 3x4in?) Ive just put the motor back together and was seeing what kind of spark the machine was putting out and... well.. little to none. Sometimes I get a spark, but then its gone for the next 10 or so kicks.. maybe coming back, maybe not. Usually sparks early in my trial. Anyway.. wanting to know how to go back to a battery system and dont really know where to start (aside from stripping one out of another bike). I would just remove the Mity Max, but the manual shows a 3 lead alternator, and this only has 2 leads coming from the (assumably) upgraded alt. so I dont know how to wire it up for a battery, that is with the upgraded ignition. Would I still need to rectify? Would I still need the Zener Diode voltage regulator? (neither of these can I currently locate on the bike). Would I need to go back to a 3 lead alt? Any help? Thank you VERY much.