1983 Triumph T140W 750 TSS; 8 valves & electric start!

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Re: 1983 Triumph T140W 750 TSS; 8 valves & electric start! - GrandPaul

hope you did get a look at the photo, still kinda learning my wat around on here. I would love to do dual exhaust and have gators, bought 2 pair but they will not fit as the lower end is too tight. I was told any 70s Norton commando gators will fit. I'm stoked! California and emissons... Im thinking, I owned the nastiest $100.00 1972 coupe devile it had a 472?? said 502, regardless. I Imagine those beasts are still smogging their way through California. Cali and NY ... sheesh. This area is full of ghost factorys . chimneys w/ no smoke. they say pollution , yet these same products are made in China or wherever, Guess they dont have smog in asia. btw My bike is 54hp Unlike the standard T 140 http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/model/triu/triumph_bonneville_750_t140d 79.htm not trying to be "that guy" who is on line to correct grammer etc. Still gotta love that 83. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT IN PERSON!
Re: 1983 Triumph T140W 750 TSS; 8 valves & electric start! - GrandPaul

Renewing the gaiters is a job I have still to do (on 3 bikes would you believe?). I have the new ones and yes the bottom is a tiht fit, but if you leave them in hot water for a couple of mins they usually go on okay. What I find needs doing is to drill an air inlet hole at the rear bottom, or when the forks compress anf then rebound they collapse, and it all looks crap!
I've also just realised the photo I posted ws taken beforeI did the pinstripes on the tank(doh!) I'll have to take another pic tomorrow.
Didn't they make a Royal Anniversary?? or something alont those lines? Those I thought were the final exported Trumpets. I Think My Favorites are the Original T-Birds, The Hurricane, and I like the Silver Jubilee. I am 6+' tall and everyone loves the 60s scoots, I actually prefer the 5spd oil in frame bikes... Anyone have a Royal wedding?/Anniversary? or any pics?
Hey Mike (Original),

How's the assembly going?

Too wet to go riding on the TSS today, so am busy polishing for the show next weekend. :y54:

Hi SD , only got the barrels back on Saturday and not had much time at the weekend and now im back at work i can only steal an hour here and there to work on her.

One thing though, i did get the valves back in and after reading that info you sent i had a close look at the spindles and there is a bit of wear... the LH exhaust rocker has a bit of play ( this was also the worst of the worn valve guides) the spindles are tight (TOO IMO) in and out of the head a good linish/polish on the inlet one has made a difference but still not 100% happy with them. How didi your rocker spindles fit?

I'll take some pics and post next chance i get down to the man cave.


How didi your rocker spindles fit?

I'll take some pics and post next chance i get down to the man cave.



Hey Mike.
I polished my spindles to a mirror finish and they glide in and out, but with no free play. I have a couple of rockers with slightly excess clearance, however decided its not a big problem as the valve adjusters compensate. Sliding the spindles into position with the rockers, washers and springs can be challenging. :y2:
Re: 1983 Triumph T140W 750 TSS; 8 valves & electric start! - GrandPaul

hope you did get a look at the photo, still kinda learning my wat around on here. I would love to do dual exhaust and have gators, bought 2 pair but they will not fit as the lower end is too tight. I was told any 70s Norton commando gators will fit. I'm stoked! California and emissons... Im thinking, I owned the nastiest $100.00 1972 coupe devile it had a 472?? said 502, regardless. I Imagine those beasts are still smogging their way through California. Cali and NY ... sheesh. This area is full of ghost factorys . chimneys w/ no smoke. they say pollution , yet these same products are made in China or wherever, Guess they dont have smog in asia. btw My bike is 54hp Unlike the standard T 140 http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/model/triu/triumph_bonneville_750_t140d 79.htm not trying to be "that guy" who is on line to correct grammer etc. Still gotta love that 83. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT IN PERSON!

54 hp....nice! Sometimes hard to follow all the changes that came out of the parts bin at the factory. :y2:
Re: 1983 Triumph T140W 750 TSS; 8 valves & electric start! - GrandPaul

I agree. IMO a british cycle almost NEEDS gators. Aside from the new Thruxton etc. Harley is even utilizing them (as everything comes back in style every 20 to 30 years) I see them on that nightster... the heavy metal flake is back en vogue. I like these things but the day I grow a mullett it's over. The Mullett will return, in a 3rd gen Camaro 2.8. .. accompanied by a small thin stash and acid washed jeans. But the special is diff then most any other fork, I have tried your water, soap, etc. I rebuilt the forks, last year (just a tad of stiction starting) but the front rubber fuel line was blocked so In order to do it all right I did the forks. What I do have is A pair of $2 auto store specials that I am sure will work but they taper and its quite obvious. I am told Norton Commando as that is the fork Triumph used on the special.... I have seen a dozen Nortons in my day if that so I couldnt tell ya if that's true.
Re: 1983 Triumph T140W 750 TSS; 8 valves & electric start! - GrandPaul

Thanks, I get asked if it is a new one a lot lately. What I enjoy is parking at the car shows next to 60 Big 1340 HDs, all worth 4 to 5x the $$ and when I return to my machine they are like seagulls surrounding and drooling over an old Trumpet. My Father bought it new in 80 for $1850.- and I at the time loved riding he bought me a Harley 90cc x90 2 stroke at 8yrs old. If You are unsure here is a vid of one identical, I have a pic somewhere of MY bike but no scanner right now... if you are unfamiliar w/ the x90 they made 2 one w/ little wheels (mine) and a bigger and a 125 possibly a 250 italian motorized AMF 4spd gearbox, w/ speedo Tach and reg to put on the road! check it out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axwK2BTH8Uo mine was metallic blue 1972. Rode it a LOT!!!! sorry to get off the beaten path. I had, I had... we could all do that all day for the rest of our lives ;)
Yeah that little 90 taught me a few things! 1st and foremost (in the words of my dad) "You cant go full tilt ALL the time". 2nd No matter how well you think you know, or have been down a path an obstacle can stop you quick. I was riding it and I didnt know the farmer didnt like us riding through his paths and destroying his corn and veggies (who'd have thought?). A path w/ the sweetest little jumps there was a 90 degree turn I had it down where I could stay in power band down shift and tear it up! well this farmer thought it appropriate to put a big log there, and ass over teakettle I went. I hated the eye goggles my dad made wear and the helmet too but I hit face first and those goggles tore my face off. cheekbones down to mouth. I healed well, anyhow I was unconscious and this kid about 17 threw me over his shoulder (again I was out cold) pushed the little harley and brought me home. That was my 1st bike and knock on wood havent spilled anything on the road. Had a 250R 3 wheeler 1986 Liquid cooled and saw in magazines how they would skim across ponds... well W/ the jet kit I imagine that machine went 100mph ... maybe more?? idk but I tried this brilliant idaea FULL throttle and IMMEDIATELY came to a stop when I hit the water like hitting a wall again I went over the bars I was standing up at least and I ended up 20 yards out in the pond w/ the machine idling on its side. My helmet was filled w/ tadpoles, they were everywhere I noticed... I had all kinda toys YZs, Anyone remember the Combat Wombat? My neighbor had one and I wanted that chrome tanked 2 stroke more than anything. My 1st street bike an 82 Moto Guzzi v50iii. Heres a pic. guzzi.jpg
Thanks. I still have the original Tach and speedo. It went 60mph w/ me on it. HOWEVER, getting back to Triumph T-140s.. does anyone here use lead substitute? I do. I was told that Triumphs used a softer valve seat and that the lead is a good thing. I will sometimes throw a shot of marvel mystery oil in a tankfull as well. Run straight 87 but w/ this ethanol, Im thinking maybe 89 octane? Any thoughts???
I run racing fuel or aviation gas in mine. If you have had the valves redone, they usually put in a better stuff that does not require the lead. If not, I would use a lead substitute.
As promised a couple of days ago, here is a picture of the TSS with the pinstriping done, and (hopefully) one of my Silver Jubilee too.
The Other Mike


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