1983 Triumph T140W 750 TSS; 8 valves & electric start!

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Thanks Guys. It's been fun.

Got a Morgo Rotary oil pump in the drawer ready for a new project.

The TSS cost me a new car for the Missus.

Do you think I'll get away with these for the next one? :y59:
Great to hear SD and putting that precious engine under less pressure is probably a good way give her a longer life...

Check these out on eBay UK
Item number: 140766843156 -Triumph T140 And TSS Side Covers

Can't believe another pair of side covers coming up after months of looking for a good RHS one and 2 sets come up week apart!

Hoping to start the work on my leaking PRT this weekend, big ride 1st to empty the tank:y2:



Hi Mike,

Thanks for the Ebay references.

Enjoy your ride this weekend and the start of your project.

Will be away for a couple of weeks, however will keep an eye out on TT for progress reports.


Spent a whole day clearing out the garage to make space to work on the bike, 2 trailer loads to the dump and i still don't seem to have much room!

Needless to say, work has still to start....

At last work starts on the leaky push rod tube, and hopfully a few other jobs while i'm at it.

Job #1 make sure the new (used) Tank i bought from the UK fits OK..

1st problem already! it fits fine but in not secured as the flange on centre mount has been removed for some reason? the seller did say it would need a bit of work but i never noticed this until i compared it with the original one.

A rumage around in the (that will come in handy one day) box found a washer the exact size required.. just need to get a couple of welds and we are done. (Tip for welding fuel tanks...get someone else to do it:y15: Tank now tightens down and off to get painted with side covers.

Removing the fuel taps revealed that even though i had flushed the tank out when i got the bike there was still a fair bit of crud in there.. another job to be done prior to being put away for storage.

Next stage is the get the head and barrel off... to be continued.

Ok, were are now on to removing the carbs and exhaust to get the head off.

Before dismantling a compression reading is taken, 155psi on each side.. not sure what it should be but its on par with SD's (correct me if I'm wrong SD).

While i can't say for certain, it does appear the bike has never been apart before. No spanner marks on nuts/bolts that i can see, at least it never been apart for a long time.

Rocker covers off, rockers and spindles out, the manual say do remove them but i reckon you just slacken of the adjusters? no matter it's done now. I'd previously sprayed WD 40 around where it was needed and it has paid off, with nothing really putting up a fight to be released for 30 years hard time..


To be continued..
MMM.... I thought things were going too well:y4: a fair bit off wiggling was required to get the head to let go and it appears the weeping push rod tube was only actually the o-ring from the head stud being perished... good job i took the head off anyway as there is a fair bit of carbon and what appears to be a very worn exhaust valve guide.

I might be imagining things, but the valves look familiar? don't know why and it can't think where Iv'e seen them before. Anyway, i think these need to go off to the engineers shop to see what is needed and i hope it not valves ( well not all of them).

Ran out of time for the barrel to come off today and i need to get over the worn valve guide..

To be continued.........

Well I think it may be a good thing in the long run but you sure don't need the added expense I am sure, then I suppose all these unknown things to crop up when working on a classic like this
Hi Mike,

Thanks for the progress report. Great photos. Things look very good inside. The top of your pistons indicate all is well with the pistons and rings and the engine is running well. TUP Compression is the same as mine before I fitted the thicker copper head gasket rings.

Looking forward to following your progress.
Hi Mike,

Thanks for the progress report. Great photos. Things look very good inside. The top of your pistons indicate all is well with the pistons and rings and the engine is running well. TUP Compression is the same as mine before I fitted the thicker copper head gasket rings.

Looking forward to following your progress.

Once the carbon is all removed from the head and pistons i expect the compression to be lower:y2: and the bike lighter...:y15:.

Got the barrel off today, pistons removed and cleaned up all the surfaces, started to prep the barrel for painting. Had everything off in about 45min, the rest of the morning was scraping and cleaning! i was very tempted to take the pistons and barrels to the machine shop to get them to clean it, but hey where is the fun in that:y2: WD 40 and ultra fine steel wool made a good job of the pistons, the bores look very good and the rings gapped in spec no worries.

SD, I could not find that VHT paint you told me about, so had use another brand, hoping it still looks good and stays on the engine. I should be getting the head back on Thursday (i'll dedicate a post to that subject as it is quite interesting) so i should be able to get the barrel back on (if i can find the new gudgeon pin clips i bought ) in the meantime.

To be continued......
