The 2nd ride:
Thanks SD, from you that is acompliment indeed.
Did the check over on Saturdayafter the inaugural run, no loose bolts but there was some oil on the outsideof the engine:y8: slight weep from the front rocker cover (new gasket too) and one of the acornnuts on the oil feed to the rockers just needed a bit of a nip up. The revcounter drive was also weeping a bit and again was just in need of a nip up.Turned the idle up a smidge just to see how it went, a bit more cleaning and polishof the alloy and that was me (ran out of time).
Got up very early today (Sunday)so I could go for another ride, the bike felt even better today. Your on themoney about the front forks SD, they never bothered me as much today. I’m no68KG! to give you an idea, if you take a small child on the back with you thatmay even things up

Back to the ride, as I said a lotmore enjoyable as wasn’t looking around for bits falling off so much and thetyres had scrubbed in pretty well. The road I went on is full of great twistingbends and a few straights, so the bike gets a nice work out. Overall I foundthe riding position quite good, and the bike actually handles pretty well andin the hands of a better rider would easily keep up with a modern bike of it’sclass. The brakes, especially the front are way better that any of my previousT140’s and even the Harris one which had twin discs also. I had adjusted thegear lever position from my previous ride as it was too far up, now I put ittoo far down! All part of the fun of classic bikes.....
Two TSS’s in OZ, nay Queensland!Is pretty neat I suppose. There was around 400-450 made, 125 or so of our ‘’US”model ( the best one) but only 6 ? accounted for on the forum. So where arethey all?
Just out of interest, you plateTSS82 is that due to the year it was made or registered? Mine was originallyregistered in Wisconsin in 1983 so QT classed it as a 1983 Model. Now if Irecall correctly, you had your bike dated to October 1982 build/despatched tothe US. I would assume that given there is only 16 numbers difference in theVIN’s mine would be the same. Given the time they would have taken to get tothe stated and sent to the dealers they would have sold as 1983 model year?
So, that means my plate is correctTSS 83

And here the debate starts……