Santa brought me a pair of those nice mufflers, any tip on fitting?
Hi Mike....now there's a good Santa!
Fitting tips.
Some brass shim stock rapped around the pipes to get a tight fit with the mufflers.
Throw away the bolts and brackets that they come with.
Only able to use one bolt to secure the muffler to the standard muffler bracket on the bike.
Modified a bolt head by welding "wings" on the hex head so that it would not spin in the mufflers mounting slot.
Used locktite on the bolt.
Tuning tips.
As GP suggested a plug check to confirm the mixture. Mine is rich in the 3000 to 4000 range, so I,m going to lower the needles one notch sometime this week to sort it.
You are going to love the extra go over 4000.......and the music

Just got back from a holiday in New Zealand with two of my teenage kids. Conned me into a tandem sky dive from 15,000 ft....awesome. Travelling vertically down at 200 kph with only a rag for a brake really gets the adrenaline going. Think I'll stick with horizontal velocity and disc brakes.
Looking forward to your comments after you fit the Dunstalls.