I have a 2013 Scrambler 865 EFI, I bought this bike used and it came with an arrow 2-1exhaust (i have baffle out US spec) and k&n filters direct to manifold, no air box. Do i need a tune, i bought one of those oil cap temp gauges and it peaked at 285F( im unsure of quality or accuracy of guage and have been riding this bike about 60mi before i even bought the temp gauge) and i shut it down as quick as possible. Id assume its running very lean and very hot, ive read countless opinions on set ups close to mine but not seen anything worth taking action on. Any help would really be appreciated, i love this bike and i want to keep it happy, air cooled means warmer than im used to, but just want to make sure im not running on borrowed time. Thanks in advance you mad lads.