Tune Of Death

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My son-in-law Tom recently swapped his 2006 Speed Triple for a 2010 Special Anniversary Edition John Bloor signed Speed Triple. It came with lowering links installed and new battery. Tom being a person that cannot leave anything stock or standard was looking for something that would give the new ride something to be memorable (other than the carbon fiber bits he's slathering the thing in). He changed out his brake pads last weekend but couldn't get the brakes working so he asked if we could put it on my lift and bleed the brakes. I said "no problem." He rode the bike over with no front brakes and we put it on the lift and went about making sure the brakes were working aas they should and after an hour of tests determined the problem was in the master cylinder. The pump won't hold pressure. So he asked if we could install the "Tune Of Death" with TuneECU on my Samsung Galaxy tablet while we wait for parts. Doing some research I said it can only be done with a cable, my bluetooth OBD reader would not do it. In doing further research I discovered that a Tuneboy cable could be used and I had one I purchased back in 2006 when I bought my beloved Rocket III and used a cable and laptop to fiddle the ECU on that bike. It took awhile for me to find that old cable but I found it (and that's after moving from Kansas to Texas!!). But the USB cable end of the unit won't fit my Galaxy tablet so Tom ordered a cable interface from Amazon he said would work.

So yesterday he came over with the cable interface and we plugged it into my Galaxy and the USB into it and the OBD into his bike. I had registered his bike with TuneECU using my bluetooth OBD reader last weekend, so I was sure if we could get the cable to connect to his ECU we could reprogram his bike. It took a bit of fiddling and cajoling but finally established the link between his bike and my Galaxy through the Tuneboy cable. The first thing I did was read and save the map that was already loaded on his ECU so we could always reinstall it if the TOD tune didn't work out. That took 25 minutes to complete the transfer from the bike to the Galaxy. While we were waiting for the program to complete we swapped out his bar levers for new black shorty'e with red anodized adjusters. The clutch cable perch adjuster is an oddball single piece that I was a little surprised to see on a Special Edition. At any rate the levers were done before the ECU so we had some time to kill. After the program finished I saved the map and then set the system to load the Tune of Death into his ECU. That transfer took 9 minutes. Less time twidddling our fingers. After the download was complete I went to Tests and Adjustments and reset his Adaptives. He then fired the bike up. I started right up and idled smoothly. Cool beans. He then started blipping the throttle. Ooops. I meant to tell him we needed to run the 12 minute tune. I'll reset his adaptives again and then do the twelve minute tune later today. He was just too excited to hear the noise. Now to complete the job we have to get his front brakes working. He has the parts on order from Baxter's so shouldn't be too long.
Went out for a ride Sunday with son-in-law Tom.

I got his front brake sorted after rebuilding the lever perch and bleeding the system. I woke up from a dead sleep at 3AM Saturday remembering the bleed nipple on the perch hadn't been cracked so got up and went out to the garage and worked his lever while working the bleeder open, got a couple long bubbles out and he had solid front brakes again. We did the twelve minute tune later that morning after resetting his adaptives again to ensure the system was right and then the bike wouldn't restart an hour later. Battery went flat, that was odd because it was a new battery. Tom pulled the battery and went down to O'Reilley's and had it tested, it tested good, just needed a charge. Weird. We charged it and he rode his Speed Triple home Saturday evening.

Sunday morning I rode my Speed Triple over to Tom's house and we left from there for a pleasant Sunday ride and were about an hour in when we stopped for an iced coffee at 151 Coffee. We discussed how his bike was running with TOD and he said it had more power everywhere and was smooth as butter. No flat spots, no decel pop, no issues. After a cold brew we went to continue our ride when his bike wouldn't start, battery was flat, again. That prompted a call home to daughter Amy to bring some jumpers. I surmised his charging system isn't working, and suggested we look into it after he got home. So Sunday night I went over to Tom and Amy's for KC Chiefs vs. LA Chargers football and Sunday dinner and wanted to check his charging system. His bike was on the trickle charger and I had him pull the charger off and we started the bike and then applied a multi-meter to the battery leads with the bike running, it was 12.34 volts at idle. Charging system is shot. So he's got a reguator/rectifier and new stator on order. On the upside, Mahomes and Co. prevailed. On the downside his charging system and the LA Chargers were toast.

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