I went with Tom and grandson up to Edmund OK yesterday to attend a Pittsburg State (Tom's alma mater) vs University of Central Oklahoma football game. On the drive up Tom suggested we go for a ride Sunday morning since the weather was going to be absolutely beautiful (it was and is). So pulled out the Speed Triple this morning for the days fun and frolic thru the back streets and roads around north Ft Worth. When I fired up the bike I had the dreaded wrench on the TFT screen with a "service overdue" message. Well there wasn't any service due so I thought I would simply reset it when I got back. The ride was fantastic, Tom was more than willing to use the motor in his Speedy so I got to wring the beast a little bit. The motor makes an incredible wail when run up the register in revs. Tom said he could hear me coming up on him from a hundred yards back. So had a fun very and joyous spin around te area and when it was over I was left with dealing with that annoying little wrench. Pulled out my Galaxy tablet that has TuneECU and grabbed my OBDLink LX and headed to the garage to extinguish the idiot light. Hooked up the OBD and then tried to pair it with the bike's ECU and nada. Tried to then start the bike and nada. Frustration, consternation, and irritation ensues. Now I'm toggling the start/stop switch in all positions and getting a "locked" symbol on the screen intermittently.
? I tried cycling the master ignition switch (USA/Canadian models ONLY) and that got me no further ahead. So I head into the house and pull up my Owner's Manual to see what was going on (maybe a locked out start cycle?). After reading the manual I was no better informed so I got up to back out to the garage when it hit me, the key fob was in my coat pocket in the kitchen. DUOH!!!!!
Hey, that wrench light is reset until next year now............

Hey, that wrench light is reset until next year now............
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