XC Noise

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Hola a tohom !
Acabo de passar la revisió dels 1000Km a la scrambler 1200XC i noto que el motor fa un soroll mecànic diferent, com menys atenuat que abans.
Algú ha tingut aquesta percepció ? és l'oli diferent ?
No és una queixa: és una observació i no m'agrada...
Moltes gràcies per endavant !!!
Hello everyone!
I just passed the 1000Km overhaul on the 1200XC scrambler and I notice that the engine makes a different mechanical noise, at least attenuated than before.
Has anyone had this perception? is the oil different?
It's not a complaint: it's an observation and I don't like it ...
Thank you very much in advance !!!
Can you describe the noise, where it is coming from and when it happens? Did you do the service or was it done by a dealer? If it was completed by a dealer I would check fluid levels, and anything else that was may have been adjusted, maybe the ECU was tuned?
Can you describe the noise, where it is coming from and when it happens? Did you do the service or was it done by a dealer? If it was completed by a dealer I would check fluid levels, and anything else that was may have been adjusted, maybe the ECU was tuned?
Hi Jemrider !!
It is difficult to describe the noise… but objectively the facts are:
1. I start the bike and every time I start it, it sounds like heavenly music.
2. I take the bike to the official dealership for the 1000km check
3. I start the bike and the music is no longer the same.
4. I ask in the workshop and they tell me that now the oil is different.
Since I have a certain intellectual concern, I am thinking of asking if anyone else has had the same perception, what answer has been obtained and what relevance the fact in question has.
When I can, I'll talk to the mechanic about what he's saying and I'll also make an audio to see how it evolves over time.
Thank you so much Jemrider for your kind attention!
You don't know how lucky you are to live in Florida: in Jacksonville Beach you have the Goruck company which has an extraordinarily good material and you don't have to pay for the shipping to get it !!


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Hi Jemrider !!
It is difficult to describe the noise… but objectively the facts are:
1. I start the bike and every time I start it, it sounds like heavenly music.
2. I take the bike to the official dealership for the 1000km check
3. I start the bike and the music is no longer the same.
4. I ask in the workshop and they tell me that now the oil is different.
Since I have a certain intellectual concern, I am thinking of asking if anyone else has had the same perception, what answer has been obtained and what relevance the fact in question has.
When I can, I'll talk to the mechanic about what he's saying and I'll also make an audio to see how it evolves over time.
Thank you so much Jemrider for your kind attention!
You don't know how lucky you are to live in Florida: in Jacksonville Beach you have the Goruck company which has an extraordinarily good material and you don't have to pay for the shipping to get it !!


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Nice pic, at first I thought it was sand but is that snow? I’m not sure what kind of oil comes in a new XC 1200. I bought my XC 1200 used with around 1600 miles, it had the break in service and I think the dealership also checked it over. So a dealership serviced your bike, I would talk to them about the difference you are noticing. Ask if there was a firm wear up date and the difference in the oil. What would be nice is if you could hear another XC 1200 with similar miles/km. I really like the new XC 1200 paint, very nice. Oh does it ride the same now? If it does well thats a good thing.

If you are thinking about changing things on your bike;

check the TECBike parts 2 to1 exhaust, thats what I have on my bike, very nice sound and big weight loss. I also have slash cut which are fine for bike week but hard on the ears.
If you find your throttle is touchy at low speeds this may help
A few years ago I bought a 1986 Yamaha 750 Maxim X back to life. When I switched it over to modern synthetic oil it made a huge difference in engine noise. It quieted it down a lot and was a better sounding engine. I’m not sure what oil the Scrambler requires but my point is oil can make a difference.
Nice pic, at first I thought it was sand but is that snow? I’m not sure what kind of oil comes in a new XC 1200. I bought my XC 1200 used with around 1600 miles, it had the break in service and I think the dealership also checked it over. So a dealership serviced your bike, I would talk to them about the difference you are noticing. Ask if there was a firm wear up date and the difference in the oil. What would be nice is if you could hear another XC 1200 with similar miles/km. I really like the new XC 1200 paint, very nice. Oh does it ride the same now? If it does well thats a good thing.

If you are thinking about changing things on your bike;

check the TECBike parts 2 to1 exhaust, thats what I have on my bike, very nice sound and big weight loss. I also have slash cut which are fine for bike week but hard on the ears.
If you find your throttle is touchy at low speeds this may help
A few years ago I bought a 1986 Yamaha 750 Maxim X back to life. When I switched it over to modern synthetic oil it made a huge difference in engine noise. It quieted it down a lot and was a better sounding engine. I’m not sure what oil the Scrambler requires but my point is oil can make a difference.
Thank you very much for your contribution. I totally agree with you. Since I like mechanics, I want to keep researching the subject and if I come to any conclusions I’ll let you know, we’ll learn something!
Thank you very much for your contribution. I totally agree with you. Since I like mechanics, I want to keep researching the subject and if I come to any conclusions I’ll let you know, we’ll learn something!

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