Alternator Noise

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Hello all.Could i have bought the only Trophy that has not had the alternator bolts sorted.The noise i have is at tickover speed and is like a clacking sound.As soon as i increase the revs the noise stops.If i adjust the tickover to around 1200rpm it stops.Is this the dreaded Alternator problem i have read about?
its easy enough to sort ! but there is also a mini cush drive in there the same as the rear sprocket carier and some times it wears out and the metal tabs rub on each other.
But it is an easy fix honest !!! what happens some times is the bolt just comes loose and just needs a bit of loctight on it and re tightning .
Its a while since i did one but basicaly you just undo the 3 bolts that secure it take the electric socket out and withdraw it out of the engine , it will be stubborn theres a rubber o ring seal on the end that is a tight fit but it should pull out with a bit of wiggling.
check the cush drive rubbers and the bolt the secures the drive to the alternator if its loose put some locktite on it and put it back .
the last one i did i had to cut some rubber tube up to take the slack up in the cush drive but it worked a treat , let me know how you get on .
Spot on Shane.I took the Alternator off and found the mod for the cush drive going to the clutch side has been done.The problem was what looked like a fairing allen key bolt that was loose was holding the back fins of the Alternator on.Replaced this and now the clanging has gone.Cheers mate.

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